Going by your battle tag name instead of character name

I have 49 characters :slight_smile:

I need to put 10 characters

The thing is, the way I name my characters often has something to do with who they are.

I couldn’t play a night elf named SprocketFizzle and I couldn’t play a gnome named Eladriel (I use neither of these names for any of my toons). Likewise, I couldn’t play a DK with a name that meant “light” in some other language, although I do use that for my Draenei pally.

It wouldn’t feel right to me to be running around as a gnome or a goblin with an elvish name over my head, or vice versa. How many nightborne do you know with a gnomish-sounding name?

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I’d like to think it would keep the toxic people honest, but those types tend to find ways around rules anyway.
Besides, as rp has already been mentioned, I like hiding on a different character sometimes.

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Being able to post as your character adds to these forums in a big way. If I wanted to find a way to kill GD off, this battle tag forums posting idea (no doubt complete with generic avatars) would be it.

No on this idea.

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then what would be the point of a character name? call them all thing 1 and thing 2. imagine trying to send mail? oof sent to wrong character. game over.

oof there is 12000 people with that battle tag because the numbers are not part of it.
oof Horde character exposed as an alliance spy ;D
oof that stalker can find you no mater where you go now. ignore doesn’t put them in a different shard after all.


I’ve updated the OP with this since it is rather far down and unreasonable to assume people would read 100 responses.

Not being visible doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

If you’re being harassed by a player report them, Blizz will stomp them into the Earth, internet stalking isn’t tolerated.

I mean I get that you want this because you want it. You have yet to provide a reason that I should want it or see it as beneficial rather than as a tool to silence others and stifle debate.


I’ve given my reason for why I want it

That’s my sole reason and I have no desire to silence others or kill debate and I’ve provided a means for keeping things the way they are for you

Though my idea is mostly for in game and not the forums. As I always am me on the forums just by not changing what character I talk on.

I’d prefer to not deal with the stalker problem that might ensue if my battletag were made public domain for all to know and see in game or on the forums… as my battletag is the same as a name I use on a few other communities and and networks… it is nice to be able to escape and be an unknown from time to time.

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Your idea still includes you having the option viewing the battletag names of other people. If I wanted you to view my Btag I would give it to you, not allow you the arbitrary privilege of viewing it on demand.

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The problem with that is that the more complexity you try to add to a system like that the more room for error there is. There is zero guarantee that they could make it force my character name for everyone over my battletag if they have their setting to show battletags for others.

Reworded for your pleasure :slight_smile:

Character default
Battle tag optionally on forums, hidden by default
Never real name without exchanging emails for real ID friends

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OP, if you just want your ID to show as the same across all characters couldn’t you just give all your alts the same name? A simple solution. If this were truly about your desire for consistency of your own posts, you should just handle that from your end since you have the option of doing so.

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Technically you’re right, there is no guarantee in that nor any guarantee that one day all private information from Blizz’s server would be leaked but I have confidence in Blizz :man_shrugging:

I do not feel ‘I just want’ is a good reason enough to overhaul an entire aspect of the game, especially an aspect that is fundamental to the game.

A good enough reason for overhauling an entire aspect of the game would be a change that is going to improve the game in some way. This would not. This would actually detract from the game by intruding on the role-playing aspect.


I’ve the same opinion now that I had when blizzard wanted to use my real name. NO There are FAR too many creeps on wow and I don’t need another rl stalker.

My reason for wanting something is just my reason and others want it for their own reasons. Also there exists the option for it to not affect your experience at all.

How would it detract from your experience if:

You don’t have to use it :man_shrugging:

You don’t have to use it.

To bring a change like this, it seems likely that Blizzard would go for the simplest coding solution, and toggles aren’t necessarily going to be a part of that coding solution.

There is a solution that:

  • doesn’t involve Blizzard coding anything,
  • allows people who want their toons to have different names,
  • means people on RP realms don’t have to change their BTag (that they may be known by in other BNet games) to fit their RP realm, and
  • allows you to be identifiable as you.

You adopt a naming convention that makes it clear your toons are all you.
One example of such a convention might be: KaurWar, KaurPally, KaurMonk, etc.