Going by your battle tag name instead of character name

This dubious suggestion reminds me of a funny screenshot of a conversation on the SWTOR forums. One person asked the speculative question:

“You are one of the few Jedi to have escaped the ‘Order 66’ purge. Where did you go to hide?”

…to which someone humorously replied:

“Nice try, Palpatine.”


-scratches head-

What are you up to over there Arwenna? I login with an email not my btag. Is your Btag the same as your email?

Your contact information? They won’t be able to send you bnet messages, only whisper you in game like normal

Yeah, I didn’t like that either. Once they added invisible mode I’ve had that on ever since.

Real names is a bad idea lol

Why can’t they bug you now? They wouldn’t be able to send you bnet messages still only in game whispers to your characters

I understand, my battletag is also not my real name. The intention isn’t to make people less anonymous in the sense that it’s easier to figure out who you are in real life but to make it so that people who would choose this option can be recognized in game no matter what character they are on.

I am my characters to me there is no difference.


why though?


Absolutely. I don’t roll play them but each of my characters are their own person.


Sounds like a dumb idea and that’s being nice.

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My battletag is Krexen#1390.

So, I’d be Krexen?

Zero complaints.


Yep that’s it

I’ve seen a lot of concerns of privacy responses which this change won’t affect your privacy and also would be optional but if that’s not what you are talking about can you elaborate further.

That’s not battle tag, that’s real-ID.

People hated real-ID for a reason.

My battle tag is literally the same name as my character.

Overall I think this is a dumb idea, and what exactly would the benefits of this be?

Besides literally telling everyone you’re battletag/realID?

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Ok I think it was the “Paul” that was throwing people off. I’ve edited my post so people don’t think I’m talking about real ID. Your BTag can be whatever you want it to be by the way.

To me this sounds like someone who wants to creep up a player in game but doesn’t know how to make friends; so wants gamer tags to be public information so they can stalk them further. :woman_shrugging:


All you would see of me is “Drusyn” (my mains name anyways), I can understand if your btag is something like FrankTurnerOhio :rofl:

My battletag name is Sariä My main’s name is Sariä and everyone knows me as that even when I’m on my alts so it won’t affect me at all. :woman_shrugging:

No. It hasn’t on Facebook and elsewhere.

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But if others do it, it will still be immersion breaking when dealing with a Gretalinda in the skin of a human one day and then a Gretalinda in the skin of a dwarf the next day.

I don’t understand why people want to do away with any aspect of the role-playing stuff. It is really that arduous? To me, it is like me asking to do away with aspects of the multi-player stuff because I am a solo player. This is the game. If I want a solo experience, I can buy a Switch and play Link’s Awakening.

What if you had the option to see character names instead of battle tags? So now the options are use your battle tag or use your character name, see others character names or see others battle tag name. You could opt to go by your character name and see others character name and nothing would change for you.

I just want to always be me to other people. I don’t even think of my names anymore I just google “irish baby boy names” “celtic baby boy names” etc and go through the list until one isn’t taken.

I think the only reason we’re not using BTAG here right now is because of the incredible backlash they got when they wanted to implement Real ID on the forums.

But BTAG is not Real ID. Using it would cut down on trolling and prevent the sort of abuse that is possible with multiple alts in the current forum system we’re using.

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Nope. Each character is crafted. I rarely post on the others, but when I do, I want that character’s name displayed.

They do it on other Blizzard forums. I find it less fun, but I’m fine being referred to as MissMarvel.

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I am Dreta.

I am also Dreta#11144.


[quote=“Kaurmine-area-52, post:95, topic:400456”]
I just want to always be me to other people.[/quote]

Just use the same name for btag and characters… it’s what I do.