Going by your battle tag name instead of character name

this, it’s much better to have character names.

That is personal information that is private to the account holder - so no.


I dislike the idea of it. Battle tag’s being used to identify people is fine in games like Destiny or Overwatch because it’s mostly an FPS with little in the way of immersion and RP value. WoW, which is a game all about the characters of varying races all with different backgrounds and over 2 decades of lore put behind them? It wouldn’t work in the same manner. Character names give characters identity, which is what we should have.


To be honest, you’re actually in the minority on this one. Most games go based off of a battle.tag system now. Ever play Overwatch? Your battle tag is the only name seen. Same deal with Destiny, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone - you name it. Your battle.tag isn’t as private as you’d think. In most other games, it is the only name people will know you by. Including every other Blizzard title (except Diablo? I can’t remember if D3 has character names or not).

No. I dislike the thought of randos bugging me about stuff. I don’t even have whispers enabled.

Wouldnt bother me. The name part of mine is avel and all my alts are avel(class) except my warrior which is notavelwar. It throws people off my scent lol

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You can create unique names for your characters in D3 which you will see in your online profiles, in solo games, and at character selection. However, if you’re playing in a group, people only see your BTag name (without the numbers) instead of a character name.

EDIT: As far as I can tell, WoW is the only Blizzard game where you can add a particular character to an in-game friend list instead of having to add Btags to your universal Btag friends list.

lets say if blizzard had went ahead and implemented it. Would it have curbed the forum trolling and aggression ??

It would probably kill forum participation by both trolls and non-trolls alike. People are much more likely to post their true thoughts online on any topic (or post at all) when those postings are not linked to their real life identities.


We already do this using an addon called Name2Chat and yes, its WAY better.

How would you tell players apart that have the same shortened btag name (if as you said you are dropping the numbers from the name)? So if there are 50 different players named “Bill” on the server and you need to whisper or send mail to one?

Just seems like there would be a ton of issues that would have to be dealt with for it to work.

Btag, I don’t mind if it’s used on the forums instead of character name

I did raise a stink when the thought of real names was tossed around.

I recently changed my Btag name so I no longer have 4 digits after my name I have closer to 8. But I like FrostyFeet better than TwinkleToes :laughing:


Filler filler

I honestly wasn’t happy when they implemented battle.net to begin with, I played other games and didn’t like the idea that everyone knew when I logged into a different game. Seemed we lost a lot of privacy I definitely would not like having my Bnet tag plastured above my head in game


I would love the option of choosing which games each Btag friend you added could see you in (or not) with checkboxes. I’ve refrained from adding many people I just met in other Blizzard games to Bnet just because I wanted to keep my WoW gameplay private.


I am like that too I have only a few friends on my list and they are the only ones I don’t mind because they know if I am playing another game they will leave me alone. They might say “hello” and i will return in kind but they know I am usually doing something and don’t try to have an all day convo while I am knee deep in battle lol


Na I don’t think that’s a good ide

“Your heart of Azeroth has an unused Essence slot”

I dont want people to know my btag is Xxgangsta42069xX so no

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If I want to share my contact information I will offer it. No is my vote.


This would effectively subtract the safety and security of other users by providing a single across the board user name for passcode cracking simplification. Its far easier to fish up the deets of another user if you can narrow it down to one user id, as opposed to a plethora of names and ids.