Going by your battle tag name instead of character name

I don’t see why BTag isn’t used for WoW forums. It’s used for all the other forums and would hold people more accountable since as it stands people can, although only some actually do, log onto alts and either upvote themselves or just pretend to be someone else after being called out on something like that.

oh lort, i remember this back in Cata !!! That was great seeing everyone unite and literally threaten to quit playing in one fell swoop

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BTag is Mal. Character name is Mal, with a bit extra. As far as I am concerned, I am the only Mal in existence so it doesn’t make any difference to me.

Same. Btag and character I main are both Fairlight. I kind of like using the character name, though. Also I think some who play on RP realms would be stuck with displaying non-RP realm-appropriate names.

You can change your Battle Tag

I think it has a cooldown though

I think this would be really stupid. This is an RPG. That means we’re playing roles. Every character I have is different. Their names are part of their character.

Oh, now my warlock is Brah. And my gnome monk. And my twelve hunters are now all named Brah. (Okay, I don’t have twelve hunters. I have… 1… 2… 3… um… seven. Seven hunters. But only two are on the same server…)

Note: My Battletag name is not my real name. So it wouldn’t make me any less anonymous if that was the point behind this idea.


The one and only Billy Shears? :smiley:

This warms my heart, by the way.

Edit to add: ack. I skimmed your post and didn’t realize you named him (Billy) earlier in it

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My friends and I switch around between using character names or real names. If we’re talking game stuff, we use character names. If we’re talking other stuff (how is work? how’s your family?) we use real names. We’ve known each other in real life for 30 years or more. Maybe we’re weird.


Nice! Thanks for this.

Yep, from the act you’ve known for all these years. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Shame you couldn’t name the DK minions. “Ringo” would be poetic, I think.

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I have four battle pet beetles named John, Paul, George and Ringo. Having Ringo out on Billy is a great combo.

Edit: Though I’m really not sure how “death-knight-y” Ringo is…


No thanks.

Not just for the privacy (I use part of my name in my BTag), but I enjoy posting on characters relevant to the topic sometimes.


My Btag would still be Tiger . Nothing has changed .

I wouldn’t care one bit.

Yeah, I hate it.

I play Red Dead Online, they do it in that too. It is weird, since they have you name your character but everyone just sees the Xbox gamer ID name instead.

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I am always in character. My characters have unique identities. So no. I prefer to be called by the name of the character I am playing on.


I thought about something like this. It would help the issue I have with like posting with an alt relevant to the thread and someone might think I’m a different person because I posted with that alt. I would not mind using my BTag for some sort of account name and in fact would help me greatly with how I use the forums.

Edit : I misread the OP, but I think having the BTag name affect forums would be better. Just no reason to have it in game and shown like that.

Oh that day was very grim. So much outrage with that.

I think its bad enouph that anyone can look at other peoples collection, achievements, raid progression, honor lvl and who,knows what else. At least let me keep my battle. Net name private.

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