Going by your battle tag name instead of character name

You now have the option of using your real name for Bnet. You didn’t before.

No, that is how i feel about it.


No problem at all; they’re the same.

As for being on different characters?

Not sure that I care. My take is that there’s me (Matt), and then there’s my characters. I always refer to them in the third person, even when I’m currently logged in and playing on one. I’m not personally going into LFR, I’m taking Breakbeat into LFR. Etc.

“What are you doing right now?”
“Eh, not much, BBs gonna go do some emissaries.”

So, if instead of calling me Matt, people wanted to call me Breakbeat (many do), then that’s cool. People call me Breakbeat (or BB) no matter what toon I am on, already.

I hated in ESO seeing console characters named XxXthiccbichXxX and the like since they just use gamer tags.

A lot of people give characters names based on well, the character. A default name across them all wouldn’t work.


I have done this, I put a lot of time and thought into each and every character name. Despite that, people I know call me Matt or BB (see above) regardless of what toon I am logged in on.

So people out in the world wouldn’t get to see my individual character names? No matter, I guess. No one has any idea what any of them mean anyway.

Only three or four times in twelve years have people spoken up about the Beatles when I’m playing my DK, Billyshears.

Only twice in ten years has anyone whispered me out of the blue regarding breakbeat or other dance music.

I don’t think people have any idea what my eclectic and esoteric names mean.

And, honestly, when I am on my priest (Tykwer), I’d rather be called Matt or BB or Breakbeat than “tweaker,” which is what people think that word is. (It’s not. It’s pronounced “tick-ver” and dude is a movie director and music producer.)

Sadly, I’ve received more whispers out of the blue complaining that I am promoting drug use by using the name Tykwer (roll my friggin’ eyes), than I have about naming my DK after the central character and lead singer of “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

I know that album is fifty-some years old, but come on.


That would be a negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.


Sounds good to me. My Btag is Orctar. :joy:

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My battletag name is my character name so nothing would change :man_shrugging:

For most of the guild stuff I tend to do are with people I actually know and we simply refer to each other by name so that wouldn’t change much either.

I just go to baby name sites and start typing them in until one is available lol

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Absolutely not. I would drop this game and find a different one. This would be a compromise of privacy and security.

There were some people who thought it was a wonderful idea in 2010. They didn’t think that for very long.

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HARD no. soft no. Medium No. Pretty much the full spectrum of No would be my reply. :wink:

No offense OP, but that sure was a long line to cast to ask: I can has ur ingame name too??! Imho, of course.

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I will take a pass on this, beside what would happen if you play more then one character? Are all my characters named the same then and what if you have several accounts on the same bnet tag?

I can’t understand why someone would want to introduce a means of phishing another user’s personal info.

No but I would welcome characters having invisible numbers after their name so people can use the same name as someone else on a realm.
(Im currently looking for a new realm and my name is taken on the best ones)

Naughty but I’m glad you are using actual names in the end~~

I understand that, a lot of friends or my raid team will still use older character names/my real one but even then I feel like I’d still want a proper name… even if it was only just for me and the NPCs I’d still do it, maybe that’s just the RPing side of me though.


Jokes on them, Zeik IS my battle tag.

NO! /10char

That’s the point :wink: So you are you at all times.

then and what if you have several accounts on the same bnet tag?

As I do and still would want to be under the same name

All they will see is “Drusyn” (for me), can you explain how they would phish information?

Mine is Rads# anyway so IDC

It would solve the sock puppeting but I always liked to sock puppet. I’d have conversations with myself and see if I could get others involved.

But yeah, it’d show who’s upvoting themselves too. I wouldn’t mind. My Btag is Cat and some numbers and I’m not the only Cat so there would probably be numbers added.