Goblin Paladins

But the pillars of Nosgoth did fall,

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Finally! Someone else knows the series too.

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I see Goblin paladins being akin to the Scarlet Crusade.
Not necessarily in philosophy or anything but just in the means of getting The Light’s blessing.

The Light doesn’t care who you are or what you’re doing with those powers as long as you believe in what you’re doing.

Enter a confident AF tiny green boi/gal.

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Brian Holinka

Here is the video (10:30): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p7_6zBe7Lk

(I am also bad at names but I have this video and others labelled in a file for fast and easy access.)

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For my transgression, I earned a new kind of reward. Agony.

Still get chills with this intro.
wiggles toes

Raziel. You are worthy.

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A cult classic. Best written dialog and story ive ever experienced. It was challenging in a good way and i loved every minute of it.

Fun fact! Simon templeman, voice actor of Kain did the voice of loghain in dragon age but also the voice of male venthyr npcs in shadowlands.

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I was a young man. This game enlightened my vocabulary. I actually had to look up the definition of words.

Even my brother, loved this intro.

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Same. It definitely is an intelligent game. Amy henning is a genius of a writer

You wont stand cause you’re lazy. Probably sitting.

You didnt quest in the area to the north of Org obviously. There is a quest with a goblin priest and it very much shows how they’d act. And yes, you have to pay for their services. lol

Make Nozgoth mmo

Some cheap knock off of the holy light power that looks the same ish and is made with other powers. Or another stolen version of it would be funny. Or Maybe the goblins got their hands on what passes for light realm critters and figured out how to breed them and make little light batteries.

I could see Goblins peddling little light naruu critter pets.

Or they just used engineering to access the light realm directly…and get this it’s really dangerous and it’s this big facility that’s like it’s own instance even and goblin engineers have to go in and avert an overload. Afterwich they are highly 'radiated with light power and become the first goblin paladins. Turns out the station is ironically used just to mass produce some cute goblin magazine sales type items. And the goblin Paladins are now the caretakers.

So much juicy stuff here for super creative types :smiley:

Of course all this exposure to the light or fake light will slightly make the goblins slightly gooder! If its fake most Goblins don’t know and it’s just placebo. The irony is it becomes real because they believe and have faith lol.


Problem is, Goblins don’t do faith and willpower - they do contracts and greed.

Money is their religion. Their covenant is spelled out in tangled exacting legalese, and the measure of a man isn’t his temperance or purity, but the size of his wallet.

Goblins are more materialistic than any other race, more grounded. You can’t spend virtue, you can’t bank purity, and you can’t pay the bills with righteousness. If you can’t actually count it, then it doesn’t count. Thoughts and prayers are cheap - either talk gold or shut up.


That said, a televagalist-style farce take on the idea would be entertaining. After they phoned in the Tauren Paladin, though, I’m just afraid they’d bunt on the idea and Goblins get the paladin with all the pomp and fanfare of an intern changing an availability column in a database table.

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Someday. You can play on your Goblin Paladin in the same group as my Gnome Paladin (or druid). We can argue about who has the best engineering. :wink:

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If money is their religion, then they have faith in materialism and plenty of willpower enough to pursue it. Faith and willpower come in many forms, and no group is a hive-mind unless explicitly made to be such. There will always be outliers, hence most races’ warlocks.

That said, I don’t trust the current writers to implement much of anything in a satisfactory way. Says a lot when their cinematic with Stone Bro was their best storytelling in years and it had barely any dialogue (Was an excellent cinematic, though. Shows they have some writing chops after all).

OP they do plan on opening up all classes to all races eventually. I just assume their Paladin mount is going to be a gold-plated trike like the Goblin Racial Mount (which is still cool)

I would love to see someone roleplaying a Goblin Paladin, probably like how I’ve seen someone RP a Goblin Priest as kind of evangelist-like dude akin to Joel Osteen or something like that.

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I support paladins for Goblins.

Goblin Priests (Televangelists) need someone strong and devoted enough to the Holy Light (that shines off the gold coins) to go door to door, promoting the faith of the pure luminescence (fraud) with the collection plate (Divine Shield) and (strongly) suggest donations (emolument fees / laundry) for absolute blessings and forgiveness (also protection, mainly protection from their protection racket.)


Wells, here’s the things: Goblins are already able to channel the Light, althoughs I ain’t sure of the actual source of it: Faith in capitalism? Some sorta Kaja Kola miracles? Either ways they are already ables to do Light things.

Sos one puttin’ on some armor an’ swinging a Light infused hammah around ain’t really all that far off.

Still makes no sense we can’t be Monks, yet Gnomes are able to pull thats stuff off…Ain’t that hard to throw a punch!

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My height-challenged friends, at great risk of being flogged and excommunicated myself, I must let you see a page from the secret Super Official Paladin Admittance Requirements Guide by Aponi Brightmane. Aponi’s crusade against allowing gnomes into the ranks of any of the paladin orders has now extended to other pocket-sized races:


They tried that but it failed