Goblin Paladins

Yes to goblin paladins! :hugs:



We all know you’d just steal the gold off the armor and sell it. That’s why we won’t let you be a Paladin.

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Clearly the problem here is Goblin priests.

omgosh u can heart yourself by changing characters — this is super cheats

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Hey, Goblin Priests (televangelists) need someone strong enough to make sure their flock (people who fall for their tax fraud) pay enough of to the collection plate (Priest’s pocket) to protect them (for a nominal fee).


Goblin Paladins are silly.

But I can’t argue with this logic.

I can remember back in Dungeons and Dragons where your Elf couldn’t be a Paladin OR a multiclass Fighter/Cleric, but Dwarf Gnome and Half Elf all could do the multiclass and only Humans could pick Paladins, and could even be dual classed Paladin/Fighter/Clerics… because reasons. . All these restrictions and weird systems were scrapped in later editions because they were stupid.

if this ever happened then i want my gnome druid fair is fair :slight_smile:

Any race that can wield light magic and put on armor should be able to be a functional equivalent of a paladin. “Paladin” of course, is in name only. They can be something functionally equivalent with a different name because not all of them are going to be like the human ones. If it has priests, it should have paladins.