Goblin Boobs

Yea they are. They’re probs the next biggest gozongas. But Goblins seem to just edge them out. We may need to research some engineering stuff to reclaim dominance in the melon department.

Next raid: Gnomes vs Goblins - Battle for Gozongas.


The problem is that female Gnomes, sadly, do not share the exaggerated characteristics of the female Goblin. As I noted earlier, the Goblin femme has a figure that is, quite simply, an exaggeration of the “classical” (and by classical I mean “Are you certain that McFarlane never did work for Blizzard?” style of body) female form. They are, especially with the properly improper attire, short green sex-bombs.

Gnome women, however, have less… definite curves. In comparison to the Goblin, they look less like “Yowza, look at da chickie!” and more like “Vienna Sausage with Boobs”. Thus, the impact is somewhat lessened.

Oh, well… at least they rarely self-detonate. You can hug a Gnome and have a better than 98% chance of survival.


Man, you must have been super bored to come up with a thread like this…

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Ok close the thread, it’s won there’s nothing else that can be said here.

Probably an engineering enhancement or maybe explosive storage.

Nope not notice it. I prefer all orc women myself. You can follow that up with Nightborne. Been looking for a new mate. Ijust got promotions. As my former boss had a slip and fall into a vat of tar. Come on lucky number 6 wife.

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I just looked at yhis person bio for a pic and serms normal size to me

Interesting query. I am going to have to do some testing to confirm these findings.

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Yay! What do I win?

It had better not be Vienna Sausage.

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I don’t know what’s better; that someone finally realized the truth of goblin proportions, or all the seething female gnomes in the thread.


Underrated topic. Thumbs up.


An udder mystery indeed


F-For hot goblin waifus?


… oi. >:[

Oh sh*t, there’s a hot goblin waifu now. slicks back greasy hair Hey lil mama :wink:


Goblins have oversized features.

Big noses, big ears, big hands, big feet, big mouths, etc.

Why would you think their no-no bits would be any different?


so basically, big everything, except they are short?

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Goblins are basically caricature people. They are made smaller but all their features are oversized.

Like this caricature of Will Smith I found on google:

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Damn artists, you scurry


It’s a community effort to nurse the baby. That and baby formula exists for those who can’t do it the natural way.

And I felt awkward saying that you know!