Go Inside Season of Discovery Phase 2

GL attacking when every other class will slow you and stay out of you range

I don’t disagree that people will try to find a new way and/or hide it differently.

It will be interesting to see how effecfivd Blizzard is at curbing it. I’d love to see the mode nuked with extreme prejudice, but I realize it’s a tall order.

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Overall looks good. I like seeing QoL stuff. Will the druid combo point redirect be given to druids too?

I am laughing at the no gdkp thing. I get trying to curb RMT. But this wont do that. They will just go underground. ANd people still buy/sell gold for “Carries” and “Powerlevels”. Go fight actual RMT, start banning buyers and sellers in mass in a much more ruthless way and they still stop but the most hardcore.

The pvp event seems interesting, that note about pusnishing people in a raid.


entire guilds quitting because of gdkp removal. small brain choice here.


The loot system is designed around GDKP, what are they expecting to accomplish? There never was a traditional guild structure to erode. It was always in their heads. If they want people to play in guilds, they should make guilds fun to be in.

Banning saying GDKP in chat but not changing the loot system reads as, the devs want their side hustle back and we’re putting the gear trading back on Paypal.

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And the issue is that GDKP’s aren’t what’s creating the demand for RMT.

Why only a 10 FAP gain from Current Fist of Wild weapon to the Pummeler? That seems very low for 15 levels.

Not all gdkps are run by bots and gold sellers, just 99.9% of them were. While it sucks for the 0.1% who weren’t taking part of gold selling. It’s healthier for the game to ban them. Now let’s hope they ban all the other bots as well.


And that represents a tiny fraction of GDKP’s.

Never base your entire knowledge of something based on one click bait youtube video :stuck_out_tongue:

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Looks like cool changes for an already much more interesting phase than phase 1. Should be fun.

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Agreed, most that complain about GDKPS are completely ignorant to what actually happens in the runs. Items are sold for 3g, 15g tops, stuff on the AH sells for 10x the amount they sell for in GDKP, it’s just a nice way to target gear, and if you don’t win something, you leave with a little more gold than you started, at worst it pays for the consumables you purchased for the raid, at it’s best, you earn a little gold towards your next piece, and the people who run them are often above average playing people who clear the instance very fast. Restricting gameplay is a stupid solution, when the real target is bots. Bots who will still be active, and now people with gold have nothing to spend it on, making items inflate even more in price. Make it make sense


Best WoW Devs ever!


hahaha what is creating a demand for mass rmt then, Learning spells? Professions? You do like 10 quests at max and get enough gold for all of it

Obviously blizz is going to ban GDKPs and test if gold buying slows down, if you are correct then they will add it back it.


Stop speaking for 99.9% of a community of players, you don’t even personally know 1% of. Your ignorance is painful to read, if you have nothing constructive to say, stay out of the conversation.

Same people who cried to get GDKPs banned are about to be the same people crying on the forums about all the people leaving their SR runs after their item doesn’t drop. There’s a reason why GDKP became so popular - It incentivizes people to complete the raid for their payout or keep raiding after their chars get full bis. Instead of limping through the rest of the raid cause Timmy decided to leave after the third boss since his item didnt drop in an SR.


When did he say he was speaking for 99% of the community, he said most GDKPS have gold selling gold in them LOL


Join a guild and raid and stop pugging if you are worried about timmy leaving on the third boss.


The issue isn’t GDKP right now…at this level. It’s as it keeps going and everyone keeps leveling.

Right now you walk out with say 10 gold at the end. At level 60 you walk out with 10,000 gold and something as simple as strange dust goes for 10g a piece in the AH because everything is over-inflated. Fine for you who walked out with 10,000 gold. Sucks for me getting a friend into the game and saying yeah you can’t purchase ANYTHING because everything is worth way too much. May be an over exaggerated amount I’m saying here…but that’s just how I’ve seen it happen.

Naturally it’s going to happen if they don’t ban gold buying either but doing the 2 together should keep prices at least somewhat affordable for certain things


I mean the same applies if you are too cheap to buy an item in a GDKP /shrug

Stuff in current GDKPs rarely sell for more than 20g, if you attended 2 runs and got nothing, you earned that 20g from the split. There are blues under level 20 that sell for more than that on the AH, that’s what RMT are spending their gold on lol not GDKPs. Why are you speaking on things you have absolutely no clue about? lol