Go back to WoD model of expansion

I would be in heaven with a MoP style expansion! EVERYTHING was fantastic! Flex raiding with 6 friends was the most enjoyable time. Also, LFR offered tier gear that carried over. Could care less how the leets felt, they either did LFR for the gear or not, thats their problem. I got the gear so i could do the nest tier of LFR, not use it as something manditory for above Flex!


Probably. I just hope this doesn’t get that much traction with Blizzard, or we’ll end up with more SELFIE patches and no content. And worse Pathfinders.


Like many people, i just wish that Blizzard would abandon their war on flight and go back to designing zones with flight in mind, these cramped areas with awful terrain turn me off playing the game more than just about anything.


Yes, please and thank you!


Some people completely crap on the dailies of MoP but honestly they didn’t bother me at all. They forget all the positives of that expansion. On top of all you said, classes felt good to play for the most part. Warlock was amazing back then…

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Man, I really wasn’t a fan of WoD when it was current but I didn’t realize how good we had it.

I will never understand the love affair with WoD, give me another like BC or Wrath.

It was very alt friendly but most older expansions to some degree were.

In retrospect them doing the big ability prune and cutting a lot of content for WoD was probably because they wanted to make it easier for themselves, as the productivity on site started to wear away at what they were actually capable of. Right around WoD development was probably when the stuff mentioned in the lawsuit really started to take hold at the office and they couldn’t keep up as well.

WoD and BfA are interesting to look at, really. The former had content that was fairly on par with what we had expected as the usual Blizzard quality and polish, there just wasn’t a lot of it. While BfA had a lot of content but most of it was tedious.

Kind of crazy how big a year 2016 was for Blizzard, with Legion and Overwatch being successful at launch, and Hearthstone still trucking along. Heroes of the Storm launched the year before and stumbled but in 2016 it actually started to gain traction too. It was like they managed some Hail Mary’s in spite of their worsening office conditions, and then just doubled down because they felt untouchable.


And Warlords was considered one of the worst way after the fact, as well.

I’ve covered actual points as to the issues with Warlords that you glaringly ignored.


People are liking the wod type gameplay now? I remember in wod people were hating it. Not sure if its rose tinted glasses, people not making up there dam mind, its new people who didn’t play wod or it’s only some parts of wod they would like, like no borrowed power (yes plz. Borrowed power sucks)

I remember the “everyone is hiding in there garrisons” and the whole " the devs cut out alot of the endgame and pushed legion out (I’d quit by then. Came back when bfa started)

Unpopular opinion time, WoD is my favorite expansion. I don’t know if Blizzard should copy WoD though. It did things right, but it also did some things wrong too. I think it’d be a good idea if Blizzard learned from their obvious mistakes in WoD, but honestly I’m not sure if they have

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remember the garrison mission that you need to log on to each and everyone of your toon daily? Fun times.

I kinda like the great vault. Sure it’s rng but it’s a chance for gear

As the WoW community continues to grow older they are becoming increasingly susceptible to nostalgia which is a poison that rots your brain.

That’s why they hate everything new but after a few years pass it’s suddenly, “oh remember that thing I used to hate and complain about nonstop? Yeah, I miss that now.”

It works for people as well as expansions. That’s why you now see people missing ghostcrawler even though he was bashed constantly when he was here. And I even saw someone saying they missed Metzen as the writer and a bunch of people agreed even though they are the ones who basically ran him off because at one point Thrall (who was a self insert before Nathanos but no one seemed to mind) was more reviled as a character than Sylvanas was/is.

It’s one of my most disliked things about the community. I mean, I pretty much loathe nostalgia in general, but the way some of the player base embraces it is just…:face_vomiting:

Believe me, I feel yah

We all get very invested in the game with such huge amounts of hours involved, and we all provide feedback when we think it might help

Point of the forums is feedback and discussion. Peeps that try to exclude feedback narratives are just missing the point. Trolling should be opposed but not actual feedback, even when it doesn’t agree with someone’s own view.

My fun went down a ton, and my timeplayed, shortly after legion started. It was just so jarring, the grind changes and design focus on metrics instead of freedom. All of a sudden I was enduring countless hours of tedium to get to what I like, which didn’t used to require much tedium at all. So many effective rep grinds and rng everywhere and unavoidable.

Then it got worse in bfa and slands. Game is literally being steered away from the stuff I like and prefer. Losing the “equal for all” pvp gearing was a huge hit for me. Needing 5 borrowed power grinds on top of my gear is grinding my love for the game into dust. So much content being recycled way way beyond burnout or any retention of fun.

AH prices are now beyond broken, now obviously based on what gold buyers will spend. And bliz just keeps pushing these systems, adding more temporary systems that often last only a single patch so they can repeated with a new name in the next one.

The design is just utterly tedious to me. Dailies that literally never end where they were only two weeks per patch before, carefully tailored to minimize burnout.

80% of my time is enduring tedium waiting or searching for fun, a minority of my time is actually fun in this game nowadays.

Meh and blah

Ah, so incapable of having a conversation when it doesn’t fit your narrative. Good to know. Also: that’s ignoring them.

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Take off the rose tinted glasses already. WoD was rock bottom and everyone back then agreed. NO ONE defended it back then. Now all of a sudden people think it was this super great thing. It wasn’t.

The fact you think this was a good thing is sad. If you want to tunnel vision on one or two things you can do that right now.


No, no we dont. Go back to classic.

Personally, I think conquest should be removed from non rated PvP, but that’s me

Sad, but true. /Metallica

I remember when we thought the garrison dailies were the worst it could get.

Can’t wait to see how they manage to make something worse than Shadowlands and Korthia.

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