Go back to WoD model of expansion

Yes. Let’s go back to having nothing to do. We can even have garrisons to go AFK in.

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Am I agreeing with a Clàrk comment? I think I am…

Good job, dude.

You think I’ve hated this game for 3 years? I want wow to be better but I’ve recently come to accept that’ll NEVER happen. Might as well pack it up and never look toward it again.

Edit - I’m sure people like you would be happy about that. It’ll leave nothing but this echo chamber of “wow is great!!”. That’s all you want.


It doesn’t matter.

All I know is that you said you have finally come to hate this game but have wasted between 216 and 239 days recently on a forum of a game you say you hate. Have a great day, I have to get some stuff done irl.

You’re a peach.

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All I did in WoD was garrison chores and then I’d try to pug a heroic raid (cause they were the only ones forming groups) with heroic 5 man gear. The sickest part was that I’d routinely get picked, wait 45 minutes plus for the group to form, then get kicked after boss one for “low DPS”. I effing hated it and unsubbed for about 40% of it. Please don’t ever make another expansion where my only option to progress is pugging. Do. Not. Want.

their gotcha moments are pretty terrible. they called me a liar when i said i hadnt played since before 9.1, their gotcha was that i had achievements since 9.1, but if you looked at them they are log in and collect type achieves. i mean i even said im playing TBCC, so i have a sub, so ill collect stuff, but logging in for 10 seconds to collect something and logging out, isnt exactly “playing the game”


LOL you have 20k achievement points. I’m not sure it’s even possible to get that many if you started in 9.1. These wow loyalists are something else.

“How dare you say anything against the almighty Blizzard and wow!! If you’re going to talk negative against our Lord then you should get a life!!”

It’s pretty sad tbh…


Believe me I didn’t buy SL once I read what they were doing and will NEVER buy another Xpac if they head down the same path. Sad this once was a amazing game ruined now.


Excuse me the Garrison was the best thing they added into wow. My OWN PERSONAL SPACE.


Legion was best expansion of Modern times. It had something for everyone, even though it had some 1%'s complaining for the most part it was good.

No, we DON’T want WoD back. Your chores was your Garrison. No capital city. Atrocious lore and story. Basically when you ask for WoD back you’re asking for Shadowlands post year launch. Basically, doing absolutely nothing and having no reason to log in. That was WoD.

No mythic plus, raids sucked outside of the last 2, world content and campaigns were terrible. Legendary wasn’t interesting at all. Don’t ever ask for WoD back again.

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no no, i mean i quit before 9.1, but i must have been lying because i had achieves for logging in and collecting things after 9.1, so i must have been playing. that was their “gotcha” for me, was some log in and collect achieves. but no 9.1 story or gameplay ones.


Ah, I misunderstood.

It’s sad that they’re so desperate they do a dive into your achievements for their “HA SEE SEE YOU STILL PLAY WOW YOU MUST LIKE IT HAHAHA GOTCHA”


I want a mix of mop, wod, and legion. Class design from mop and ease of jumping into content out the gate at max level. The leveling buffs you got to spells and from buildings in wod, along with the treasure finding. Fantasy from Legion and ease of doing solo world content and pugging.


You ask for too much!! Fun isn’t to be had. Only grinding and boosting!!


I don’t understand how this got 32 likes, when people hated the lack of content and a lot of the class design of Warlords. It was also the beginning of Pathfinder, a bad iteration of crafting according to many, people claim they hated Garrisons and how everyone just stuck to those and it invalidated being out in the world for professions… and the reputation gains were huge grinds.

I enjoyed questing in Warlords, but Warlords was by far considered one of the worst expansions in this game. I know people are getting disillusioned by SL, but c’mon folks…

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Sure was alt friendly with all the content it released :slight_smile:

Yup, a very big chunk of my guild vanished in WoD and never came back, if i wanted to go back in time to another expansion, WoD wouldn’t be my first pick, or my second… it wouldn’t even be my third lol

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I think it just speaks to how unhappy people are right now, also WoD was long enough ago that a lot of people seem to have forgotten how much was wrong with it too.