Go back to WoD model of expansion

Great vault is great. You just need to do one thing if you want it or skip it. WoD had required looting of chests and other terrible stuff. I agree with your other points to a degree.

And not too mention some of the best TMOGS in the game

Mission tables
Pretty sure the ring was a power progression, i remember upgrading it.
Mission Tables to progress story
It’s still cut and dry

Everyone afked in their garrisons farming gold for mission tables

Man, it’s actually so trippy to see people asking for a return to the expansion that people hated so much that it lead to them no longer announcing subscribers nor use them as a metric as it nearly outright killed the game.

Log in, loot cache, spend 2-3 minutes sending missions out, repeat per alt
Do the same thing later in the day

The presence of the Garrisons didn’t prevent you from doing battlegrounds, arena, raids, dungeons, ashran, etc

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Because both in WOD and SL, the content is just abysmal and tiny compared to other expacs.