Go back to WoD model of expansion

That’s the part I’ve been having trouble coming to terms with. I’ve been coming back thinking “maybe it’ll be better, maybe it’ll be better”. Nope, just the same mobile game design cash grab crap. I’ve come to hate wow. I used to love wow so much.


You knew what you were walking into every time you bought time this expansion.

Why even say that? You can’t even walk away from the forum.

“But Grincel, I’m getting my moneys worth!”

Even if you buy 1 month at a time it’s 50 cents a day, if you buy more time, like you said you do, then it’s even cheaper. This isn’t a huge investment, so if you didn’t like it then you wouldn’t be here. Unless, of course, you enjoy spending your time on a forum of a game you don’t like complaining all day. To each their own but I’d find something more fulfilling to do with my life.

So what you’re saying is I should just give up on wow altogether and never come back. That’s sounding more and more appealing as time goes on.

Yea, god forbid I try to push for any change to wow.

Oh I’m coming up on the end of the MSQ in FFXIV Endwalker. It’s been flat out amazing.

Edit - I’ve noticed that every time you do reply to me you keep pushing me to just leave or make the snarky “Unless, of course, you enjoy spending your time on a forum of a game you don’t like complaining all day.” or “o each their own but I’d find something more fulfilling to do with my life.”

Why do you do this? Do you want GD to become an echo chamber of Clarks? Because that’s how you get an echo chamber of Clarks.


How about we go back to MoP instead. WoD had good building blocks but never actually did anything with them. MoP with a couple WoD elements would actually be awesome. Raid in WoD were amazing.

I think the real idea to get back to, is just let people do what they want to do and they will play your game. I want to run Mythic+. I think Mythic+ is fun. Why do I need to go to Torghast to grind out my Legendary, why do I need to participate in Korthia to get sockets, why do I need to do the raid to get Domination sockets, why do I need to deal with my covenant for soulbinds and conduits ALL to be able to finally participate in my preferred content?

Let open world players indulge in sandboxy open world zones. Let arena players play arena. Let Mythic+ players run Mythic+. Let raiders raid. Let solo players have challenging fun content. Have some faith in your gameplay, because frankly, WoW’s classes are by far the most fun and engaging to play to me. I’m just tired of logging in for two hours to do all this random garbage that I don’t care about doing just to go have fun in keys with my friends.


that S.E.L.F.I.E. patch was some of the best content they ever put out.


Ugly dwarf had a good take here.

Well… let me think…

Yes, walk away now. I’m no psychologist but it wouldn’t think it would be healthy for someone to force themselves onto a video game they have feelings of hate for.

Complaining on the forum will never change anything with a for-profit business. Players like you are actually helping to not ever see change. You claim to want to see change but you keep throwing your money at the company, that’s not how it works.

I doubt that it’s been amazing given you spend so much time here instead of playing that game or on their forum discussing the amazing game.

Yea… it’s so amazing yet it can’t even take your attention away from spamming the WoW forums.

Well I’ll help by not coming back.

Because taking 45 seconds to post here hinders my entire day?


OOOOOO FFXIV!!! OOOOOO scary!!! Every mention of FFXIV makes the wow loyalists blood boil!


not this player - WOD wasn’t all that good. I am doubtful most players want an expansion like WoD based on the responses given when people get asked which is their favorite expansion. WOD is almost always near the bottom of the list.

oh, you were talking about you.

Since you came back to the game recently you have spent over a solid 4 days of your life on this forum. You can see that in your summary. 4+ days of your life on something you claim you hate.

Something = a video game forum

WoD was only intended to be a one year expansion - they only made enough content for one year. The expansion was only extended because legion wasn’t ready for release.

Why would I fear FFXIV?

Apparently, the WoW forums are more fun than their latest expansion. Nothing to fear if you’re a WoW fan. :joy:

The tribalism within the MMORPG genre is just plain unhealthy…

I’ve spent 4 whole days posting on this forum? Do you have that documented? I’m with myself at all times and I certainly don’t remember spending 4 whole days here. That’s odd.

Sounds like you want a “wow is perfect” echo chamber. Have fun with that. Everybody has a breaking point and soon all you’ll have left here is a bunch of Clarks.


Not at all considering I’m almost finished with it after 4 days of solid playing.

Ironic coming from you.


Your recent read time is 4 days on THAT character. So you have somewhere between 4 days and not 5 days yet. It could be much closer to 5 days.

Blizzard has it documented. :slight_smile:

Your TOTAL TIME on the forum on THAT CHARACTER is 9 days. You’ve spent somewhere between 216 hours and 239 hour just on Totes on the forum of a game you say you hate.

Blizzard isn’t making these numbers up, Blizzard doesn’t even own this forum software. So… yeah.

Yeah, the usual trolls.

Crying about others discussing a game on the forums. Unless they are saying everything is fine. It just makes you look like Blizz shills, or maybe a blue posting undercover.

Hint: It’s not fine.

Earnings call Feb. I hope it sparks change.

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9 days over the course of three years? This is your “gotcha” moment? Ok. :rofl: ok…


No, just letting you know. There is no gotcha moment because I don’t care what you do with your life. lol

I was just showing you some stats, especially the 216 to 239 hours you have recently spent on the forum of a game you say you hate.