Go back to WoD model of expansion

'Member when WoD was called the worst expansion for precisely those reasons? Good time.

I never said it was a great game.
You can look up my posts, I’ve been fairly consistent on this point. The leveling was really fun and the story of each zone was fun to me. WoD for what it had was a fun game, it just didn’t have much to do and killed it. I’m not saying anything out of the ordinary here that i didn’t say in the past.

I didn’t particularly dislike WoD, but you actually couldn’t play the game unless you were pvping or doing the raid because there was just nothing to do.

I mean I was forced to quit in HFC, because there simply wasn’t anything to do. Clear the raid…. Ok it’s over for the week. Wasn’t really worth the sub for me

I did have more fun in WoD than SL… people like to call 6.1 the camera patch but forgot all the background changes and system tweaks that were part of the patch. The WoD raids are top 10 of all time

The legendary ring story was quite good - much better than anything we’ve gotten in SL

I’d rather go back to Cata and Mists philosophy, personally. We got lots of fun things for classes, lots of glyphs, guilds were given reasons to work together as a guild, professions were fun, etc.

“Borrowed Power” is just an end game leveling system which Blizz has talked about doing since Path of the Titans. If we remove all end game leveling we go back to players complaining there’s nothing to do.

So nothing changes because all the borrowed power is time gated to oblivion and back.

Once Pathfinder finally dropped… combined with the XP Pots… you could max level a previous Expansion toon in under two hours… if you had full heirlooms, were really dedicated, and planned your route to include bonus objectives with someone max level to power you through them… it was an hour from 90 to 100.

And the Raids were fantastic IMHO.

Class model between MoP and WoD was :ok_hand:

The WoD expansion itself? Errmmmm… No thanks.

They will continue to sell expansions even if the next xpac never gets a 10.1.

They will only sell expansions as long as people buy them.

nah, they’ll go f2p eventually - with a premium sub option and gigantic cash shop


A sizeable chunk of the playerbase buys the expansion, gets to max level, and then quits. I’m sure they can generate enough box sales just off of that to keep going.

I have OP on ignore but the title just made me shudder lol
No thanks for a WoD, didn’t play it, read how much got cut, read what people did… and the only thing I’d want would be an improved garrison and ability to print money :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hey Blizz, 10.0, can you first finish it before you release it and no mission tables for goodness sake. Not every expansion needs a ‘‘champion, here is a mission table, for reasons, because its engaging and important’’ [its not engaging nor important]

Thanks for the bump and pretend ignore, champ.

yeah it would be better referring to MoP as the model, as it didn’t come with other issues that make the suggestion get knee jerk reactions from many players

but yeah, before borrowed power design, before gold was on the cash shop, and before every single system starting pushing players towards the cash shop for shortcuts

that said, this is literally a pipe dream that will never happen except maybe in classic which is already being turned into ‘seasons’ and other crap

the money men run wow now, they only get bonuses based on revenue increases, and it is never turning back


Classic already has a cash shop. They couldn’t even hold off on that.

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ahh I didn’t know that, that sucks

WoD with 2 changes

World content
Professions untied from Garrisons

Ahh, what could have been.

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