Go back to WoD model of expansion

Not sure about your meaning then. But it seems odd that someone could play the game and even have as few pets as you do.

As far as pet collecting is concerned, you are definitely below average.

if it can be put in a cage, it can be put in the AH.

except the Robognome, he wins the battles.

You mean the xpac that seemed to last 7 years but was really shorter than Legion? O.o

I think OP is saying that what we got in WoD was good, we just didn’t get enough of it.


Do you think that the entire team works on only one aspect of the game before starting another?

Like do you think they pulled off every single person from what they were working on to change an art asset?

You can’t possibly think that.

I have not touched torghast in over 6 months I think.
It is a very depressing run.

I too enjoyed WoD and I agree with your list but in order to do that and make it good it would have to be done in a way where it doesn’t have the borrowed power systems of Legion on ( the passive ability tree systems) but it will have to have some form of content or actual content compared to WoD to work .

That means major amounts can not be cut and it would need to come out on a more consistent basis.

Unless you are progressing into plus 20s and up or mythic raiding things like korthia aren’t even close to being needed. Just don’t do the “chores” that you don’t want to do easy.

What I’ll always remember from WoD is how much people complained about the content draught. Everyone in the forums were rinsing the devs for giving them nothing more compelling do than run Garrison chores.

I remember reading a lot of those complaints though and it just sounded like people indulging in their sense of consumer betrayal, a lot the complaining about SL feels much the same. There was never anything stopping anyone from leaving their Garrison and making the most of what they could from the xpac. That’s what I did in WoD and I had a really good time, I’m having the same experience now with SL. The shortcomings are undeniable, but people getting trapped in their feelings of disappointment aren’t doing anything more than just that.

Everyone suffers through the game more when it’s current and then seems to reflect far more fondly once it’s in the past, be a shame to invest so much time and money in an MMO and that’s your repeat experience. Certainly isn’t mine!

my god please yes and thank you OP

Like, alright, I like Torghast, but it’d be cool if it were entirely optional, but other thhan that… yes, I agree with the smart dorf lady.

Except already announced that raids and dungeons being removed in future for Torghast only systems.

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WoD was a dirty port-a-crapper, but so is SL. you people are arguing that one dirty port-a-crapper had less splatter on the walls, and so that makes it good and way better for some reason… WoD sucked, plain and simple. it lost almost 5 million subs in 6 months, 6.1 was just twitter integration and a selfie camera. going back to WoD is an insane suggestion.

WoD for what it was, was an incredibly good expansion. Fun story, liked the choices in bases, no systems, and last alt friendly expansion. They just didn’t have any content to add which was a shame and that’s what killed it. Also unpopular opinion but Ashran was tons of fun

Shadowlands feels more tedious than fun.


Same. I loved WoD.

What story? You mean all the off screen character development because the bulk of the content was axed? I get Shadowlands sucks, I’ve been vocal about the game for a while sucking, but let’s not pretend WoD was a great expansion because the current sucks eggs.

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Borrowed power systems exist for one reason

10x the grind without increasing content, stretching currencies and rep grinds across all the grinds because there aren’t nearly enough rewards to sustain it with gear

Just a completely anti player design motivated by cash shop metrics instead of being motivated to provide a great game

Basically very similar to casino design

I loved WoD, but people whined about content (even before Blizzard cut and run) because they were too lazy to play alts

Soooo, you realize what your asking for right?

WoD Model meaning… Nothing? Everything gets cut due to time constraints? Were given a patch that includes another selfie camera?

Hard Pass… Also Tier Sets are borrowed power, have been since Vanilla, so… Bad argument there.

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Sure, if they actually have content for all play styles this time. If it’s gonna be the same as it was where the only real was instanced and a PvP zone then hard pass.