Go back to WoD model of expansion

This is a pretty great idea. I’d love another expansion where the big, hyped feature is a selfie camera and Twitter integration. That was peak WoW.

I mean, you cannot top that quality of content.


i think you might mis-understand the implications of the word “rare”. it doesn’t mean “annoying to get”. it means “many people like yourself will never get it”.

very big difference.

Before that though, WoD was actually way better than SL.

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What about wasting development time on changing women into bowls of fruit during a long content drought?

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Actually it doesn’t mean that at all. “Rare” is mathematically defined by the spawn rate. That’s all. Whether you think something is “annoying to get” for somebody else you feel superior to and need to mock is irrelevant.

Of course I got my unborn valkyr, 3 of them. I see you do not have an unborn valkyr. Was it too challenging for you? Your total of 37 pets suggests you have never farmed a single pet and have no idea about what you’re saying.

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i was discussing the implied meaning not the base meaning - as stated in my first sentence.

Hello, I see you posted about thread about Warlords of Dreanor. I agree, OP, Warlords was an expansion done right! The only problem was how much content was cut from it, was supper sad. It had the potential to be the best expansion the developers had ever released! One thing though:

This is actually an incorrect statement, sort of. Warlords was the victim of, at the time, Blizzard trying to release an expansion every year and failing miserably. A ton of content was planned and cut after realizing they were never going to hit their goal, thus making it appear as though the expansion was ditched. It was never really ditched, per say, it’s just that they planned out a yearly expansion model horribly and couldn’t make it work!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Edamann I like your replies, you’re a great person and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

Some conduits provide insane damage or healing increase per rank

Some conduits are 0.1% per rank and some are 10-20% per

The difference between a 200 and a 252 is nuts for some specs and covenants and thats just stupid design for multiple reasons

Wod didn’t have anything remotely close to that big of a discrepancy between minmax

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Not a dev, but if a pet being rare is what caused to be the final straw for you I’d be concerned

Thank you for your response and your time.

Time is the most valuable resource we have in life. It is constantly depleting and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

You have me some of yours, and this I will never forget.


Thankfully that kind of myopic design has fallen out of fashion.

In WoD’s defense, Hellfire was a great raid and Archimonde was a beautifully designed fight

People don’t know what they want. Wod bombed so hard that they stopped releasing sub numbers.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Did you know that current MAUs are at the same level as your “bombed” Warlords expansion, even though Blizzard has more games on offer now compared to back then! How bad is Shadowlands for that to be the case, I wonder?

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


The minfernal sucked to get. The val’kir sucked but it’s often backline with a certain pet.

He felt like a Saturday morning villian. We beat him for the third time. But that was due to scrapping of wod.

Very good systems (or lack of) in WoD. Not perfect, but better than anything we’ve had since. Just needs more to do besides raid and pvp so the “but muh world quests” people will get on board.

Where is this proof of many?

Really? You seem to think any reason to quit this game is insane.

More than two of “many”.

i mostly agree with you OP, but… the WoD model originally had no flying, you still had to do pathfinder if you wanted to fly. maybe they should go back to the MoP model, with gold-for-flight.

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Can’t believe i’m seeing a sane Grincel thread.
Yes, wod was good imo. Could level, then jump into ashran for my honor gear (wich it didn’t need 7 levels of stupid upgrades) while getting conquest for a eventual conquest set ( wich wasn’t locked by rating ). Funny how both sets didn’t have a 30 ilvls difference huh?
Dungeons were fun as hell, raids were amazing and had some of the best sets in the game ( looking at you brf warrior and lock sets ).
The fact that it didn’t had any of the stupid systems we have today already makes it miles better than bfa or shadowlands.