Gnomeregan Alliance Reconnections

Pennington! Don’t know if you remember me since I was in and out Eulogy a few times for short stints, but I recognized your name. You probably would’ve known me as Slamwich (Paladin), or maybe Koetzl (DK) if you kept playing in WotLK.

Come across any other former Eulogy members at all?

Hello everyone,

The following is information regarding my main and search for friends:

Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Guild: Untold Legends
Looking for: Zekuri, Camerron, Mavakia, Smokeshow, “Wise”, Chorea (I can’t recall the exact names)

I am looking for any fellow guild members who were in “Untold Legends”. We were a small, casual guild who hit our prime in Wotlk. I am Elaida. My main was a human Warrior. I always used the letter E for my characters. As such, l was known by guildmates as “E”. It’s been years since l have played. I hope that l can find some former guild mates. My brother who founded “Untold Legends” will also be giving Classic a go.

Please feel free to message me on this forum!

All the best,

Elaida “E” (now known as Applepunch on Stormrage)

Characters Name: Prue, Dannica
Race: Human
Class: Priest, mage

Name of Guild: HFoF, a few others

Characters hoping to reconnect with: Anyone ayeeee!


Characters Name: Stagger
Race: NE
Class: Hunter

Name of Guild: Shangri La and a couple others(my memory sucks)

Characters hoping to reconnect with: Anybody and every one

This is a long shot, but I was in Kindred Spirits & Psychedelic Wanderers.

Gnome Warlock named Timmert.

Looking for anyone in those guilds, remember a few names: Pavlov, Scotty, Highenergy, Nums, Margerdris, Seedy, a dwarf hunter named Mc******* ha… I know its a long shot, but it’d be cool AF to reconnect again.

Name: Jizu, Triad, Adisious, æazy
Race: Gnome, Belf
Class: Rogue (double dazzling/Bones) and Pedulum of Doom (PoD) Paladin

Guild: Gnomergan Outstriders - (29 Twink guild) GM was “Ohso”

Characters hoping to reconnect with: DUBZI and Anyone from Chaos Theory, Gnomergon outstriders.

Character: Ehris, Night Elf Druid
Guild: Untouchables
Looking for: Shadorah (Night Elf Hunter) & anyone else I hung out before I switched to Horde.

Character: Nobody NE rogue, Pally. Knowone

old guild: northshire mafia, holy elites from Wrath and up

Mankrik, let’s go! I got a sex change. I’ll probably quit when it gets hard lawl

Name was Tritonn. Did a lot of level 20 pvp and battlenet username is Tritonn#1551

A few of us (Titanmight, Gravenimage, Meltdown and I) are currently trying to get into Pagle!

Character Name: Novalife
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Characters hoping to reconnect with: I was associated guild-wise with <
Pirates Inc, Forsaken, and Fifth Street…it’s been so long I remember the friendships but not a lot of the individual friends! Ronnocor, a human paladin and his wife Kasina. Daneatalus, a night elf hunter. Rogueknight, a gnome rogue…these are some names that ring a bell! 15 years and now with 2 businesses, 3 kids, and my wife, I will be playing pretty casually, but hope to reconnect with some of my old guildmates!

Character Name: Desius
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Characters hoping to reconnect with: Dragonswan, Kynain, Kapa, etc.

Miss you guys!

Character Name : Anieren
Race: Human
Class: Mage

Characters hoping to reconnect with: Tine (human mage), Tro (human paladin)

Hey Glau. I’m on Mankrik Horde for classic. Elixie is here. Silentwisper is going to roll here when work stops killing him. More than half of your listed raided again with FN in Legion and early BFA. Maybe we’ll raid again next expansion.

Schmoopsy (human warrior) and Bjornsvenson (dwarf hunter)

Was in Rolling with my Gnomies, Fatal Nem, Mob Mentality, Dragonblight/Situational Awareness, Serious Business, and whatever Screamo Preamo’s guild was.

I’m currently on Incendius as Horde, and have names reserved on Pagle as Alliance. B-net is Slappyhams#1515

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Ok I’ll bite. It’s been a long long time.

Race: Nightelf
Class: Druid
Guild: King Tiger ? Maybe Tiger something lol
Name: Matrixx

Hard to remember many names specifically but maybe someone will remember me haha! Played 2006 up to before Wrath and then life happened. With launch of classic I’m wanting to jump back in.

Hey Tamir! I’m on Whitemane horde right now. Having fun in classic. I played a little bit of BFA on my priest but got bored of it fast. We should all jump on discord sometime and catch up.

awe…u dont wanna see Zantlonoras again :< i see how it bee Xeneron lol

I remember King Tiger. I remember Kaushik nerd raging at Monistatus for not giving him the respect due to the illustrious GM of KT. They were practically equals.

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