Gnomeregan Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Gnomeregan in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Characters Name: Computers
Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior

Name of Guild: Dragon Warriors - (Former Guild Master)

Characters hoping to reconnect with: Anyone that I interacted with before I transferred to Draka where I switched to Horde just after Burning Crusade launch.

Jaydo, human warrior, was in valor for a bit. looking to go horde this time round, if you remember me hi!

Characters Name: Xeneron
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue

Name of Guild(s): Viper/Mob Mentality/Cornerstone

Characters hoping to reconnect with: These are mostly friends from BC and WotLK that I played with, as I wasn’t max level during Vanilla, but I might see them on here. Dashnaw and his wife, Wanhsad. Henchie, Dig, Rabbi, Satra, Napalm, Buddha. Also there was a Rogue who was in Fatal Nemesis I believe, or Dodge This during WotLK. Your name started with a V and you taught me for the first time how to actually play Rogue. I became a good player because of you and we were great friends for a short time. One of my big regrets was leaving the server and you left as well and we didn’t keep in touch.


Character Name: Matthewc
Guilds: Nevermore, Swords of the Alliance
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid

Anyone from SotA, or the few friends I made online before transferring and race changing to Tauren.

Krid… There was one awesome female NE huntress… Ummm… About all I can remember.

I mostly played during vanilla and TBC.

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Name, Thurgrash, mostly played during Vanilla, BC, WOTLK. hoping to find Phexious,

Dwarf Shadow Priest
Looking for a Human warrior named Infamy or anyone from Rebirth.

Character Name: Unvorgiven
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Characters hoping to reconnect with: I know this forum says 2004-2006 but i started playing towards the end of WotLK+ and looking for some of my good friends i met at the time and lost contact with, (and forgive me i cant remember the spelling but ill try my best) Valtoor, Saelily, Talronei, Deathworld, and Saroon You all were great friends and made me love playing the game, i hope to come into contact with you all soon! Edit: My toon used to be a male. I changed it because times change!

Character Pennington guild Eulogy played with Khellendros Deathseaker and a few others

Character Name: Glaucon
Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior
Name of Guild(s): Elysium, Fatal Nemesis

Characters hoping to reconnect with: Anyone I used to play with back in the day: Tamir, Silentwisper, Troxy, Binkieseal, Elixie, Sith, Raze, Helfire, Thunderdome, Nystic, Lex, Keesca, Atriana, Deathblade, Mario, Lacroix. There are too many to name them all, but everyone that I used to raid with, mainly back in BC.

Also, I was in Dragon Warriors while leveling during Vanilla. Hi Computers! Not sure if you remember me or not, but yours was the first guild I ever joined. That was when the server was still new, and that’s where I first met Troxy and Binkieseal, my first WoW friends.


Well hello Lonchaney.

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Whhaatttssuuppp I was in SoTA. Prize, NE huntress ;o


Night Elf Hunter.
Blue cat named Pleasure and a lvl 6 spider called FRANK that I baited horde into flagging in GS and Xroads <3
Super rich and had all the mounts and pets before it was cool.
Murderer of STV.
Priest named Icing/Babeyface? I think.
Wreckt in TBC also ;o

Hello All!

Original toon Names: Eliaris (NE Druid) Kylsan (Gnome Lock)
Guilds: (GM) Legendary Brotherhood, Divinus, Aces and Eights, and PsYcHoTiC WoNdErS

I hope to reconnect with friends that I have not spoken too since Wrath when I left the server. Can’t wait to start WoW Classic again!

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I remember swords of the alliance! that GM was a pretty cool dude

Nightfall Battlegroup

Trying to find the group of 29 twinks that played in the Nightfall battlegroup. We had multiple guilds spread across the battlegroup and supported weekly battleground nights for level 29s.

Looking to find the group that played together across the battlegroup.

Mauhdeeb - Gnome Mage Deathwing

Characters Name: Thielm
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid

Name of Guild: Shinigami / From the Ashes / Bliss

Characters hoping to reconnect with: Met a lot of amazing people and I hope to reconnect with any of them. All the people I befriended is what made the game so incredible the first time around and I hope to get reacquainted with some of these people, and I look forward to all the new people I’ll get the pleasure of meeting and befriending. :slight_smile:

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Glaucon!!! It’s awesome to see you still around dude! Fatal Nemesis still exists and I “think” some of your toons are still in it? A few of us still play and keep up on battlenet and our discord server. Add me on bnet if you are able and I’ll send ya an invite and you can chat with us anytime! This is my alt btw… Atriana here :smiley:

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Hey Glaucon :smile:

Add me ManiacZealot#1600 we can get you on the FN discord server.

Anyone else looking to reconnect my main toons are Utheril / Gimik / Lexistin / Loxistin. Anyone from Epic, Elysium, Fatal Nemesis, Decepticons, Relic Raiders, FW Pugs FTW, or Dragonblight

Not sure if I’ll be playing a lot of Classic, but I’m still around never the less :slight_smile:.

Edit: On Pagle - lvl 51 warlock currently

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