Gnomeregan Alliance Reconnections

I remember Babyface/Icey.

:slight_smile: I remember you, my name was Frostkitten then or maybe RageofAngelz :slight_smile: <3 . So happy to see you here.

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I remember you being one of the kindest people to me on that realm. People weren’t to nice to others who didn’t raid or weren’t top dps or heals :slight_smile: . Ty for that.

:smiley: Omgosh I remember you Prize, you had the most unique pet names for your hunter pets :slight_smile: . Such a nice person.

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TY for the kind words. Rageofangelz sounds familiar to me, but I can’t recall what we did together.

Characters Name: Kittiara
Race: Human
Class: Rogue

AKA: “Kitt”

Name of Guilds: Shinigami / From the Ashes

Hoping to reconnect with: Any of the many amazing people I met in Shinigami, From the Ashes, and along my way through the World… of Warcraft! :sweat_smile: Truly though, the community and friends made during the early days and months in the game is what made it all so incredible. I hope that I will as least run into a few of you all again to run around, reminisce, and experience more good times. Of course I also look forward to all the new friends I’ll undoubtedly meet. :slight_smile:

Edit/FYI: I have rolled a few toons on the Westfall (normal) server; Kittiara (Human Rogue), Dinkasaurus (Gnome Warrior), and Artemisa (NELF Hunter). I imagine I’ll be starting with (and likely sticking with) “Kitt 2.0”.

Here we go! LET’S DO THIS!! :sweat_smile::crazy_face::nerd_face:

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Characters Name: Doulme
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior

Name of Guild: Holy Elites, Angels of Azeroth

Characters hoping to reconnect with: Old guild mates from late classic/BC/wotlk — Xanna, Goldlion, Annalynn, Brudog and tons of others.


Characters Name: Kpwn, Kballer
Race: Draenei
Class: Shaman/Mage

Name of Guild: Elysium, Dragonblight

Didn’t play on Gnomeregan during vanilla but TBC, initially came from Alextrazsa. Initially raided in Elysium until SSC when the guild split apart due to some drama, then went on and played with a bunch of pugs who would later turn into Dragonblight if i recall correctly.

Looking to reconnect with ol’ folks

Character names: Greenleaf , Alindor
Both Were Night Elf Druids
Hiiiii !

I had other characters but I don’t remember. >.<
I remember Fangcat and that’s it lol

I have such a bad memory for names lol. What guild were we in together?

Character Name: Wardog
Race: Human
Class: Mage

I switched to Arygos after the launch of TBC, but my first few months were spent on Gnomer. Sunshine, Hardtime, Elewyn, and a few others whose names I can’t remember: If you can read this, I’ll be on Classic.

Tubbie - Night Elf Druid

This was when I first started the game back in vanilla, would love to connect with the big homies again or anyone who remembers me! Specifically remember Swunt & Dashnaw, a dwarf pally and nightelf hunter who helped me through my noobery.

“The” Dougyfresh, Nightelf Hunter/Enh Sham --> Ele
DragonBlight– Looking for some of the ducks from DB, wheres Frank, Quarmokk, Stocky, cloudff, flo, and the rest of the marks???

Characters Name: Mackeyser, Lazuliz, Yarong
Race: Human, Night Elf, Draenei
Class: Paladin, Hunter, Ele Shaman

Name of Guild: Starshadow Alliance, Paradox

Mostly looking to reconnect with ol’ folks. Dunno if anyone remembers me from vanilla. I mostly made a name for myself in TBC as one of the first Prot Pallies on the server. I remember teaching a fair number of Pallies how to prot with the insane gearing requirements and all.

Add me Dougy I’ll hook you up with Franks id. Haven’t seen him on in a while though. ManiacZealot#1600

wow, quite a few names that ring up a few memories

Characters Name: Vergil / Higure
Race: Night Elf / Human
Class: Warrior / Mage

Name of Guild: Metempsychosis

looking for well anybody i played with during my time on that server!

Character name: Shyguy / Monkeyslayer
Race: Night Elves
Class: Hunter / Druid
There were a few people i regularly played with but the main one I can remember is Snowleopard. hmu

Characters Name: Daren
Race: Human
Class: Paladin

Name of Guilds: Nova/Serious Business (BC Guilds)

Hoping to reconnect with: Those I used to raid with, and help run Karazhan in BC back in the day. Also Korpin the undead mage, and Celeran the NE Druid.

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Character name(s): Mirrada/Shaelana and Asteraa
Race/class: NE druid and Draenei Shaman

Name of guilds: C O R E, Pseudo Focus (I think?) but there were many others I can’t recall!

Hoping to connect with: I remember hanging out in Goldshire often with Regwymon, Daalaamaar, Fllarvilly (if you’re reading this Fllarv, I hope life has brought you many trophais!), and quite a few others.

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Totschlager (gnome mage), and Slamwich (human Paladin) were my two mains. Guild master of The Academy at the end of vanilla and first few months of TBC, then later played with Bliss and Eulogy in TBC.

Looking to reconnect with any of my old raid buddies, Evistiforl, Kurup, Audir, Imagine, Urusai, Grahorn, Neveha, Aidrien, Deathcreper, Brymm, and many more but I can’t remember the names since it’s been so long.