Gnomeregan Alliance Reconnections

I know the guild had a huge falling out. I was a charter signer of the guild and held a high rank for a good while. I wasn’t around by time the guild came apart so I’m not sure what all happened but when I was playing it was a good time.

Characters Name: Redi
Race: Human
Class: Paladin

Name of Guild: Eagles Lion Elite & Omega

Characters hoping to reconnect with: Rokdos, Pinkangel, Cannd, Quackamus, Novarage, Demondragon. — hit me up! Let’s get the band back together!!

Character’s Name: Whispywillow (Willow)
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter

Name of Guild: Shadowkeepers
Guild Leader: Poe

Characters I’d Like to reconnect with: Ike, Poe, Tim, Shodowgrave, Noklock, and all the other guildmates whose names I have forgotten but whose awesomeness I haven’t!!

Characters: Dasinia (Druid / Tank, Nelf), Cypress (Disc Priestess, Human)
Guild: Dragonblight

Was an officer, off-tank and tank healer as well as second team raid leader. Played with many amazing people in progression raiding through BC release and into WoTLK where the guild broke down. But I very much miss and fondly remember the best times I had working to attune and gear everyone in those endless hours of dungeons and raiding. Would love to connect and see how you’re all doing! Cheers ~

Hey! I remember you from Serious!

Name: Adamispriest - shadow priest
Moreye got me into the guild as we were clearing the front half of ssc

Oh man its been forever

Race: Human
Class: Priest
Guild: Serious Business, Fifth Street Dragonblight… some others?
Name: Adamispriest

Looking for: people that used to raid with but specifically IceButterfly. Literally the nicest lady on the planet.

Oh wow, hey there Mir, it’s Daalaamaar here. Been a minute lol. I’m also on wyrmrest these days, on retail. Been mostly playing classic though.

My btag is Aerion#1162

Character Name: Mdgamefreak
Race: NE
Class: Druid
Guilds: Bliss, Valor, Dragonblight

Mostly played BC
Quite a number of familiar names here. Nice to see people still playing. I remember Jaydo and Ariadne, seing Glau around a bunch, used to raid with Kpwn, Dougyfresh rings a bell. Lexistin. Dasinia, i totally forgot you used to tank >.<

People i hope to get in contact with: Any of the marks, anyone from our ZA bear run group: Dream, Frankwhite, Katasha, Cloudff.

Hit me up on Bnet - Mdgamefreak#1960 - Rolling horde on Kirtonos.
PS. I have Daarkorion’s bnet too if anyone wants it.

  • Kalibretto NE Rogue, Jankinz Hunter, Deunnaro Druid
  • GM of Refugee, later known as Demented.
    Looking for anyone that ran with that group. We play on Stormreaver Horde as Non Compos Mentis now. On classic it is Fairbanks and the guild name is Refugee.
    bnet is Leesus#1779

I think you were the pally I was running around with in Vanilla. This is Anduar, Night Elf Hunter, believe you and I use to haunt 2 particular hordies. I believe you got Knight rank right before they stopped giving titles out and I got stuck with Sergeant Major haha.

Ahhhhhh! What a weird coincidence! I sent you a btag request tonight.

Cloud’s computer gave out, he said he may come back whenver he gets it fixed, but no ETA.

Characters Name: Riffarius
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue

Name of Guild(s): War Pigs Inc

Used to run War Pigs Inc in Vanilla and BC! A small guild but we had a really good vibe going. Some people I remember: Deathpod, Izrod, Belemi, Lux, Duragous, Coz… I played with so many people. If you remember me look me up!


Character Name: Regwymon
Race: Human
Class: Rogue

Name of Guild: cannot remember :frowning:

Used to hang out in goldshire a lot in those times hoping i meet a few of you again :slight_smile:
my bnet is Eviscerate#1596

Regwymon! I sent you a battletag request. My night elf druid was Mirrada back during BC/WotLK :slight_smile:

Hi, there. Remember me?

I was in FtA with you :slight_smile:


I was in Holy Elites and From the Ashes, mostly in BC. Also was a member of Fifth Street for a bit and DEVASTATOR (Yes, it was all caps) early in my raiding career.

Characters: Citric NE druid, Boewolf human pally.
Guild: Path of Honor.

Looking for a druid named Heretoheal, and a hpally named Kduncan.
Dave if you see this reach out to me and Wildblue. KD sure miss you man!
Played in TBC on till wrath, left early cata to go to a pvp server. My Battletag: Sly#1972