Gnome Starting Zone proves We're missing a class

With the gnomes we fought on the Island Expeditions, and with the discovery of Mechagon, I was almost convinced we’d see some sort of tinker class.

I mean, we have a tank NPC that is basically D’va from Overwatch. We have a DPS NPC and support NPC that both rely on bots and devices. Like, it had all 3 roles present in a way that isn’t currently available to the player.

Maybe one day.


Hopefully some day soon.

I want Gallywix to be the Next Major Villain, and Tinkers to be the Next Class

Considering Gallywix got Kicked out of the Horde and Hates the Alliance, I’ve seen less crazy ideas.


These double standards are quite tiring…

Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters had ALL of their RTS abilities translated into WoW and there was no issue beyond some balance tweaks.

Now suddenly there’s some problem with translating RTS abilities into WoW?

Also the Tinker wasn’t made a profession in WoW. The professions are based on the item system and shops in WC3, the classes are based on the heroes of WC3. You can tell this because NONE of the Tinker or Alchemist heroes abilities exist in the profession, and they have NEVER existed in the professions. Meanwhile, the WoW classes are teeming with abilities from various WC3 (and HotS) heroes.

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It pains me that I didn’t think of this, Thank you.

That is a wonderful example of a double standard.

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…I’m sorry … I couldn’t help myself.

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Why is he on about tinklers and holes in his rooster?

Gold Jerry.

Tinkers for 10.0 or Riot Blizz

Without reading all 147 responses, I have to point something out.


All classes can be tinkers.

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Drunk me spent all my hearts. Sober me will forget to heart you. Please accept this as +1 heart.

This post entitles you to one free fries at Applebee’s. Just tell them Blizzard sent you.

Is a profession. Not a Class.

Actually No, Currently all classes include.
Death Knight
Demon Hunter

All of them are based on Hero Units from Warcraft 3.
But not one of them is based on the Tinker Hero Unit.

The Engineering Profession is just that, a Profession.

Not a Class.

A Tinker Class would be a Class that uses Missiles, Mech Suits, Pocket Factories, ETC.
And With BFA, We’ve also seen Turrets, Healing grenades, Healbots, and a few other nice things. None of which is part of Shadowlands Engineering.

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False. Engineering lacks the Tinker ability sets found in WC3 and HotS.

So no, you’re not a Tinker via Engineering, and every class cant be a Tinker. If you can’t perform the Tinker hero’s abilities, you aren’t a Tinker.

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If the vast majority of hero classes from Warcraft III have been implemented in WoW it would make sense that all of them ended up here.

Also every one who keeps saying just take engineering must not have taken it. Most everything of use has a long cooldown or can’t be used in conjunction with another item. Nitroboost and goblin glider. Also, a lot of things simply don’t scale or become useless as you get higher level. Why am I gonna lob an explosive, especially with global cooldowns, when I probably have a class ability on my toolbar that does more damage?

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For me it’s more about representing a chunk of the Fantasy of WoW that just isn’t given to the players despite being in game.

This really explains it, People bring up things Engineers had in Cataclysm and WoD like it’s still relevant to modern content.

But, at the end of the day a Profession is not a class. That’s why you can pick a class AND pick two professions.


cool, then say that: “we want a Tinker class in WoW, engineering doesn’t cut it” instead of saying things like “we’re missing a class” or “Blizzard forgot to include Tinker in WoW”

This is common knowlede. I may as well make a post titled “Alliance is blue, Horde is red”

This is specifically the point i’m trying to make, though. Don’t you understand that?

When you play through Zones that have Goblins or Gnomes and their crazy Technology as as a forefront, it legitimately feels like we’re missing a class.

That’s the ENTIRE point of the post.

Imagine going to Mt. Hyjal, and learning the game doesn’t have Playable Druids.
Imagine going through the Plaguelands, and not having Paladins as a class.

It’s the same feeling as going through Nazmir, Nagrand, Gnomeregan, Mechagon, a whole BUNCH of Cataclysm zones… the list goes on

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To be fair, Tinker and Goblin Alchemist are the only heroes from WC3 whose abilities don’t exist in the WoW classes at all. Every other WC3 hero has had abilities in the WoW class system at one point or another in the history of the game.


Exactly, even the completely wacky heroes that couldn’t ever be a playable race.

Dread Lords and Pit Lords both have their abilities in WoW, mostly on Death Knight and Warlock.

Dark Ranger has their Major abilities on Priest. Silence and Mind Control.

But Tinker? 100% unrepresented.


right, but only because you’ve decided “those things could only have built by Tinker class NPCs, not NPCs who mastered Engineering”

I’m saying we should have a class, it’s really not that complicated.

A class based on NPCs and the Hero unit from Warcraft 3. Just like Monks, Death Knights, and Demon Hunters.

Really it’s not rocket science

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Speaking of Warcraft III!

Pocket Factories for the DPS/Gadget spec could be so much fun! I kind of visualize it being similar to Army of the Dead for DK. But the crafted Pocket Factory spawns little Goblin/Gnome clockwerk bots.

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