Gms helping people steal guilds

The usurp guild feature is for people to take over and continue the guild. NOT STEAL ALL THEIR ITEMS DELETE THE GUILD OR RENAME IT.

YOu gms help the acquirement and theft of property that didnt belong to anyone. Thats not the same. You helped people steal items. YOu need to fix it.

Vanilla guild which was created to help people never indented to be given to freeloaders not only were you wrong here but youre wrong for “intestigating” bots when they obviously are botting . wow is such a horrible supported game, and without this being fixed im going daily public on all the things bad about yall. i wont stop till its resolved. good luck

If a GL leaves somebody in the position, and a player uses it, the guild becomes theirs. They at that point have every right to do WHATEVER they want with said guild.

Very easy to avoid as well. Im sorry rhis happened to you, however there was no theft, a GM did not even do anything, and is the responsibility of the GL to properly manage the ranks within the guild.


Negative. i build my guild so i kept it. I allowed people to join for free items and help . it was never designed to be given away. and i did not allow anyone to have that permission. My guild was here from vanilla. They ruined a legend of helping people because they are ignorant.

Allowing people to take a guild and destroy it theft all the items IS NOT HOW THIS WAS INTENDED… its a breach of contract and its just allowing people to steal and destroy your guild… THATS NOT THE SAME.

i stored all my items there, i will not stop till you get a specialist to come fix your mistake. IT was thousands of gold and items gone that noone had rights to.

You people at this company has taken everything from a solid vet player who had different agreements agreed to apon by a different company you should have grandfathered in.

I can be a crusader of play something else besides wow to EVERY new player thinking about it and letting them know EVERYTHING yall have done… i can be an anti wow personality.

You should have set up your ranks accordingly. Only ranks 1 through 3 can take over a guild.


I want to know what happened to it why it happened and why the gms allowed this to happen. Never before in my abstances did this happen to a guild created in vanilla and its a shame you have a pathetic company and gms who are overworked to make poor decisions. NOT my fault that blizzard pissed off a 4 account token buyer because they prided botters over real players then return to have my guild gone… BY FAR IT was a bad decision.

IM litterally not stopping till its fixed.

Gonna be frank: It isn’t a breach of contract as blizzard didn’t allowed it, nor did they help in such. Even then, Blizzard owns all items in game. But that’s besides the point as the systems in place allows the guild owner to allow or disallowed anyone from taking over.

No one will be able to help in this regard, mainly due to if someone took over the guild, they own everything in the guild. If you wanted the guild bank to be another bank for yourself, it’d be better not to allow anyone else. Otherwises, if the systems in game wasn’t set up, anyone within rank can take over.


Once again, i am sorry it happened to you, however you did it to yourself. Click the link to read all about it.

You left somebody in a high enough rank to after i think 90 days??? Could be wrong on the timeline of inactivity to simply push a button and have the guild leader position transferred to them.

No tickets no GMs they pushed the dethrone button. Had they not been high enough rank it never would have happened.

I am very sorry to say that this is of your own doing.

I highly recommend you read that support article so you can ensure it never happens to you again. As for the guild in question, it is now theirs to do with as they please. Including empty the bank, disband, rename, etc.


People will yell at me for how much blasting ill do to this company… ill be a nuisance on twitch every post about how bad your company is.

GMs are hands off when it comes to guild ownership. There is a tool in place for player to take over an abandoned guild, like I said ranks 1 - 3. The fault is yours for not securing the guild if you knew you was going on extended break.


If you went inactive for the amount of time needed and left anyone else in rank 1 , 2 or 3 then you basically gave them the guild. Sorry the dethrone is not something GM’s get involved in.


Take a step back, take a breath. I see Vrak, a forum support agent and employee of Blizzard typing. Here is hoping he can help shed some light on this


The guild was mine to begin with… there was never any community activities there was never anything other then if you can access the guild take an item and free amor repairs thats it
Idk how gms can be so blatantly ignorant with their decisions but they did

now theres two choices… dont fix it and i tell everyone everyday how bad the company is and light them up on twitter about it daily or fix the problem

Till you abandoned it and left it to someone to take it over.


Good luck with that… /snicker


Ok bud. Im done. Best of luck to you. It is obvious you did not read the linked support article or want to accept the unfortunate answer that a GM did not do this, you allowing somebody within ranks 1 to.3 while taking an absence allowed it.

Best of luck to you.


I never ABANDONED A GUILD. I logged off. i was leader and my alts were leaders anyone who was part of it knew and agreed it was for help and free armor repairs thats it
you dont deserve the platform the guild the bank space or any of the items… to suggest that they did is just plain ignorant.

Good luck but if you dont want your head bit off go to another post.

And you never came back for more that 3 months. You abandoned it.


Takes at least 3 months afk to be dethroned


Don’t make threats here son.


Well no, that isn’t exactly how it works.

The Dethrone option is for the Guild Leader to determine if they want their guild to be able to taken over if they are away for 90+ days. If they allow members to occupy certain ranks, those members will have permissions to dethrone and take over if Guild Leader has been away for 90+ days. What that player does from there is entirely up to them, just as the management of the guild was entirely up to the original Guild Leader.

They may clear the guild bank, rename the guild, remove some of all of the members or disband it entirely.

It isn’t theft if they have permission to do so, which is granted by the previous Guild Leader and how they set up the guild.

I’m sorry, Zushe, but if you invited or promoted members into ranks that could use the dethrone system when it was activated, then they were given permission to do so.

If you feel the Dethrone system should be adjusted you’ll want to provide constructive feedback. Understand, the current system is based on a massive amount of player feedback, so unless change to it, without widespread player interest in it being changed, is unlikely. Who knows though, if you feel you have a good idea on how it could function better, that can be considered.

I would recommend against launching a campaign though. You will stop, because your posting privileges will be removed if you spam the forums with threads like that.