Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

this is a fair ask.

There is no reason not to do this.

People unlocked it @2200 in mop and weren’t givin the info that you would have to push duelist to unlock it. People would have pushed if givin the info that duelist would unlock it account wide.

I think one of the reasons they made the requirement duelist was because you could trade the enchant to other players for awhile when it was first released + twinks could buy it if they got 2200 in low level brackets which was super easy to get, some even got the PvP tabards that way.

It sucks for people that got it in 2’s or missed duelist but I assume that’s the reason.

Doesn’t really matter their reasoning if people unlocked it it should be account wide.

Yeah, definitely doesn’t matter how it was unlocked it should simply be usable as a xmog from anyone that unlocked it

imagine blizz actually doing something reasonable

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this should definitely be a thing.

if you weren’t good enough to get duelist then you shouldn’t be able to use this iconic illusion.

nah ur cooked, if ppl were givin the info that it would be account wide for ppl that got duelist before hand people would have done so. Ppl stopped at 2200 cause that was the requirement and should be the requirement for the illusion since that was the requirement previous to announcing account wide illusions.

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agreed. That is the case

you are acting like these players were good enough to get duelist. how it is now is perfect and prestigious as it should be.

People just stopped at 2200 cause that was the requirement for the enchant, if ppl were givin the info that duelist would unlock a account wide illusion. ppl would have done so for sure.

What about the RBG players that cant get their enchant because all Blizz could think of was “yeah lets just make that duelist”?

Their definitely needs to be a fix to this. considering there was no previous information for people to prepare

still waiting, lol

nice to see another post giving this issue attention, please follow mine as well! :slight_smile:


This without a doubt needs to be a thing.

What is the reason behind screwing ppl over that already had unlocked it? and didn’t care to push higher because there was no knowledge before hand saying it would be account wide if u pushed duelist.

So anyone who unlocked it @ 2200 in MOP should guaranteed be able to purchase with a scroll or show GMs weapons they have enchants on to unlock the illusion.


Make this happen blizz! It’s the right thing to do

i deleted a scroll on accident cleaning out my bags and the gm pretty told me go bleep myself. now im trying to figure out how to get my shadowlands refund.

this is something that goes hand and hand with the glad mounts

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