Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

Totally agree

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I’ve opened countless tickets about this and have been given the same response every time. I still have a couple of the original enchants in my bank and would love to be able to exchange them for the permanent illusion…


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Yeah same.

how this was never a thing is unbelievable, they should have had something in place to allow you to obtain it instantly as account wide illusions came out, anyone who unlocked it should have it unlocked as a illusion simple as that.

Big facts.

ive never understood the thinking here

Here to bump.

Definitely implement something for people that have the scrolls and ways to prove they have it.

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at the time we didnt know we were going to have the transmog option you should get a scroll for the illusion trade. its pretty bs that this is still an issue, it was wrong from the start.

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Nothing to do with the topic, but I was scrolling past this and read it as “Glorious Granny Enchant” and now I’m wondering what kind of thing Granny would gloriously enchant? :stuck_out_tongue:

Her cane? Grannies gone wild?

We need Blizz to fix this.

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Fix this please blizz…

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can we get a blue post response, it has been 4 YEARS and its fair, the fact were still paying to play after all this time should be enough to do a scroll for scroll exchange.

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100% facts

1000 percent

10,000 percent

100,000 percent

This definitely needs to become reality

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Without question there needs to be something implemented. To allow players that have weapons still currently enchanted with Glorious Tyranny or the equivalent to unlock it or also, if you have the scrolls still in your bank or bags to make it currency for the illusion.

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