Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

Please blizz give this to us.

There is no good reason not too.

This is longggggg overdue.

How lovely this would be.


Yea making the enchant a currency sounds like a great idea

Why has this not been the case since the release of the illusion, imagine screwing over everyone that already unlocked it in mop at 2200cr

i doubt they will do any change to this illusion, i made a ticket about it when they first became illusions/account-wide and stuff.

I linked my toon that had the enchant on their weapon and even told them that they can check the PvP achievment dates as proof that i did earn it during that season and they still told me no

So good luck getting them to unscrew the people who got it during mop but didn’t bother to push higher

With a attitude like that, things would never get changed.

bumpin this

This needs to become a thing.

make it happen!

Blizzzz please make a way for us to acquire this illusion if we can prove we unlocked it @ 2200 in MOP since that is originally all you needed.

Poor Blizzard.

They do something nice and everyone has their hand out.

It’s actually just something that should have always been a thing.

this is true

Just like you cannot go back and farm old PvP previous season mogs you should not be able to apply them cross characters.

It was never advertised as such.

But the illusion is already account-wide if you got duelist or had a scroll from WoD. They are asking to be able to get the illusion if they can prove they had the enchant when the content was current, like having a scroll in their inventory or having it on a weapon.

There isn’t anything wrong with that. Blizzard should have allowed people to get it via tickets if they could prove they had it in the first place. Nobody knew weapon illusion transmogs would be a thing or that it would require duelist instead of the 2200 it required in MoP.

e: To clarify because I think the WoD comment he made might be confusing you - the appearance they are talking about in this thread was originally a set of weapon enchants in MoP for hitting 2200, just recolored versions of the weapon chain and dancing steel etc…

WoD had its own similar thing, but you could also buy the MoP one too if you had the rating in WoD. At the end of WoD, if you happened to still have a scroll for either the red or blue enchant bought with WoD rating, it transformed into a transmog illusion.

Blizzard went back and added the red and blue illusions to the MoP and WoD vendors but only if you have duelist/glad/hero achievements from s14/s15 or WoD seasons. People that got 2200 in MoP didn’t necessarily get duelist or hero, so it’s unfair to them to not have access to the illusion. They just want Blizzard to look at their account, see that they had it, and give them access to what they should have already had.


What a cool enchant transmog.

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Perfectly put!

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Exactly what needs to happen. Would be super awesome if this became reality.