Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

Ur just one of those type of ppl that accept things how they are.

This can easily be changed, should be changed.

There is no reason for it to not be changed.

Big facts, this can easily be changed with the options stated above.

It is not hard, it is not game breaking.

It will make alot of ppl happy, blizz should do it since the ppl deserve it.

allow players to use the best enchant in game that they unlocked?

That is actually a couple legit ideas.

Option #1:
If you have any of the Enchants still in your bags make, it a currency to buy the Illusion from the mop vendor.

Option #2:
If you have the enchants still on weapons currently, just have a screenshot and send that img with a ticket to the GMs and they give u the Illusion or send you the Illusion in your mailbox, to add to your collection.

Because people who pushed to unlock this in mop weren’t givin the info before hand that this would be account wide if they obtained duelist, it is only fair to unlock the enchant for people who pushed for it in mop at 2200c

I fully support these suggestions ^

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This is a welcomed change.

Best enchant illusion in game, should not be so controversial. If you unlocked it at any point you should be allowed to use it.

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one day we will get to use what we earned, you just have to believe

That would be nice.

Yeah the enchant scrolls we have in our bags would be a great idea for a currency to buy the illusion.

Option #1:
If you have any of the Enchants still in your bags make, it a currency to buy the Illusion from the mop vendor.

Option #2:
If you have the enchants still on weapons currently, just have a screenshot and send that img with a ticket to the GMs and they give u the Illusion or send you the Illusion in your mailbox, to add to your collection.

Because people who pushed to unlock this in mop weren’t givin the info before hand that this would be account wide if they obtained duelist, it is only fair to unlock the enchant for people who pushed for it in mop at 2200cr


Easy fix…

this would be extra nice, well deserved

maybe not just a screenshot, tell the gm what toon its on and what item its on and they can check, cause ppl can just use jmorph for screenshots

Yeah especially with the release of account wide glad mounts, there should be a new system into being able to acquire an enchant illusion people actually already unlocked.

That’s exactly what I’m saying this enchant looks too good to not allow people who grinded for it in mop to not be allowed to use it.

Those options to be able to purchase the illusion is perfect.

Considering glad mounts will be account wide.

Considering people still unlocked that enchant with no previous knowledge they would be account wide if you got duelist, people would have pushed above 2200cr and got duelist 1000000% if that was the case.

I have the enchant on like 4 toons still in my bank.

Would love to see this implemented so we can finally use a illusion of a enchant we unlocked.

Exactly what I been thinking

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Yes, make the enchant scrolls a currency for the illusion

Account wide glad mounts, account wide glorious tyranny for ppl that unlocked it in MOP @ 2200

A beautiful request and a reasonable one.