yes and let warriors and rogues use warglaives of azzonoth for xmog. ITS A SWORD IT SHOULDNT BE A DH MOG ONLY
Glorious Tyranny from mop unlocked for ppl who got it, and also YES Rogues and Warriors should be allowed to xmog the (sword) it was to begin with the Warglaives of Azzinoth
I didn’t play much in WoD and have the enchant unlocked. I believe they changed it to be account wide if you got Duelist or Glad at any point in MoP.
doesn’t matter what it is, if its unlocked u should be able to use it
Agreed, its the one enchant that got ppl screwed over. Make it right blizz and allow ppl with it already to use it for an illusion.
This would make the game so much more enjoyable, I’am sure there is a lot of ppl in this same boat.
Implement this with shadowlands please
Yeah I want to be able to rock this illusion I have tons of these enchants and quit during wod so feels bad.
Yup, new times. Blizzard needs to give the ppl what they deserve and unlock these illusions for everyone that grinded for them and got them
It doesn’t affect gameplay at all, blizzard should be willing to give it to people that got it no matter when they got it.
If they got it, they should be allowed to use it no matter the circumstances, Blizzard should not intentionally block people that obtained previous to their rollout of xmog, if people have it, It’s only fair to let them use it as a illusion. On the other hand its completely unfair to not let them
Lemme use my old PvP titles account wide please
Eh. Maybe if you’ve earned it on your account it could be okay.
Yeah if you earned them, Titles, Enchants etc you should be able to use them.
Yeah agreed, imagine logging on having the enchant and not being able to use the illusion. What is this thought process?
Yes, please keep this going. We very much need to be able to use this enchant if we got it back in MOP
For sure!!
I agree man… so true!
and also make hunters guns and bows glow with illusions while making glorious tyranny from mop a illusion.
Yeah why do hunter weapons not have illusions?, that would be super cool if they did.
Also Blizz give us our MOP “Glorious Tyranny” It’s very much a fair request from players that have it but aren’t allowed to use it.
It’s the best looking enchant in game and people who got it should be allowed to use it.
I made a ticket about this years ago and they took my enchant away from me.