no they didn’t, did they?
tossing support as well.
My paladin and rogue have the MOP versions and i cant mog them i still have the weapons in my bags to this day just incase even sent in tickets with proof etc and gms always send the same response saying no <.<
yeah that is pathetic, we need to get this fixed. Why are players being punished by not being able to use a enchant illusion if they already have the enchant?
It’s not right, it’s not fair. Fix this issue please for the people that have this enchant still in their bags or on weapons and they can prove it.
Yeah totally agree, same issue here.
Bumping for visibility, now more than ever if glad mounts are also account wide make every illusion account wide also. Regardless of era or if they dont have the “illusion” but have the enchant equipped or even got duelist. Weigh the pro’s and con’s and you will find there are zero cons for your players by doing this. Thanks.
Yeah, there is no reason to not allow players that unlocked it to be allowed to use it’s Illusion. They invested time into getting it.
Blizz please fix this issue.
should be account wide like demonic tyranny
This should have been automatically in peoples illusions if they had it weather it be from MOP or WoD, thanks for making us miserable who unlocked it blizz and just because we took a break in WoD we can’t use it?
We would very much love for this to be a thing when Shadowlands hits, if u can log on a character and prove to a GM you have it on your account.
It should be eligible as an illusion.
make it accountwide plz
I would LOVE blizz if they made this change
We’ve been since 4 years trust me… still no answer.
It can easily be done and it should be done.
They should just bring this in before shadowlands, like on Tuesdays reset sounds like a good time.
why is this not done yet? Make it happen blizz.
Yeah, been running around on my alts with this for too long. Make this change live please
definitely worth
This would be extremely beneficial to the players who took a break during wod.
Definitely a great addition.
Pls blizz give it to the people who earned it and not retroactively require an achievement that wasn’t required at the time
I am all about this ! I have wanted this for years!
There is no more logic if you can make a Glad mount account-wide why cant you do the same for all pvp enchants? Have I not done the required work already to be able to obtain this ?
So why not let us have what we earned and enjoy our enchants with Account-wide Illusions !