Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

Getting on twitter tonight

I support u friend

get this done blizz, why is there no response here?

yeah, blizz, this would be nice

Please implement this blizzard!

Bump for justice

here to bump


would be such a nice quality of life improvement

100% and is well deserved since it has already been worked for.

back to make this bump


just here to bump

this is not unreasonable, please make this happen blizz

I just dont understand whats to gain by not doing this

+++ This needs to happen.

there’s no reason it shouldn’t be available

+++ would be a welcomed addition to the game

this should have always been a thing

bump, this needs to happen

facts, i would love to be able to use this instead of just on my alts