Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

blizz respond, make this happen, please

I’m convinced those are all the same people ^ but he’s speaking facts

I still have the enchant scrolls in my bags as well, why would I not be allowed to use it as a illusion that is just doing us wrong

We have some vocal people on the forums against stuff becoming account wide.

lets make this happen

bump, keep it going

it’s an aesthetic that ppl deserve to use if it was unlocked.

completely agree

bump, blizz we still waiting

100p this is legit

Still nothing from blizz

blizz is dodging for no reason, with everything coming out account wide this is the time to let us have this after all these years

Plz masta blizzard

this is still not a thing! omg so annoying

It’s probably 1 dev that’s stopping it. Like that pvp dev that left after 13 years spent his wow classic time purging world buffs and could barely contain it after posting a video about him leaving. Some dev is getting a laugh out of trolling the community. my stint in classic is almost up, I’ll troll blizzard by cancelling

yeah its so troll, to not give cosmetics to an account that unlocked it

blizz give us this small ask, pls

legendary, this neeeeeeds to happen

Game is dying give us this before it’s completely dead

yeah no reason to not give it to ppl that obtained it, get over it blizz