Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

Yea I start naxx in classic this week, after classic I might be done. This was just poor decision from blizzard, one of many the last few years

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Bumping, please give us this for Shadowlands

b u m p i n g

as well bumping this thread

Bump, had this enchant and visual enchants on my weapons since panda expansion! Please make this happen already.

bump this all day

definitely requires a bump

bump very much so required

also i still have an enchant scroll of spirit of conquest in my bank :ok_hand:

Please give us our illusion… I am tired of sending my characters heirloom weapons with the actual enchant on it.

this is so basic and should already be in game, blizz/activision needs to make this happen

Bump fix this blizzard!

Bump, please add this

bump this all day

Bumping, can equip the enchant on one of my items and walk around with it on whenever I want, absolutely no reason I shouldn’t be able to transmog it on my other weapons. Please change this Blizzard.

agreed, bump, this needs to happen

Bump again, I have two weapons in my bank with this enchant. Is the 2400 one even still available if you earn it in SL??

make this happen

bumpin this, lets go!

bumping, please give us this

bumpin alll day err day