Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

Bump, make this happen

still waiting for this

Bump, please Blizzard

like honestly

I am more annoyed I hit 2.2k in MoP and blizzard refused to give me the enchant because I never bothered buying it in MoP.

this will be the most legendary thing to happen, in the last few years of wow if it did happen.

Blizz please give us the Illusion if we unlocked the enchant in mop.

With everything becoming account wide, most reasonable ask

Yeah, totally agree.

let this be a possibility

Keep bumping! Now is the best time to get noticed by devs.

Bump please give it to us the expansion is great it would be even better with our illusion ;^)

Bumping, please update this.

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I don’t have this but I support people having it as an illusion.

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Read this blizzard

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I know everyone is busy with Shadowlands but keep bumping so we can get attention on this



Yes I still want the illusion. The weapons with my glorious tyranny and bloody dancing steel are still in my bank. I still got my first 2.2 in mop so the achievement is there to demonstrate that I didn’t abuse that bug that existed for all of 2 days to equip it without earning it. There is absolutely no reason I shouldn’t be able to use it.

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Agree bump

I think I’m gonna quit wow until they give us this…it’s been a good 10+