Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

Keep bumping get your friends to bump this is our time to get this topic trending and make them have to respond

I want my tyrannical elite set. I never bought the cosmetic gear because I was experimenting with stats. I can cruise around on my tyrannical glad mount but apparently I have no proof I couldve bought the set. Also at the time I was like BRUH I DONT WANNA LOOK LIKE A DRUID. Now I want it for the memes. Cumbark set so rare.

Standard Blizzard response- “That gear is no longer in the game”
Me- How do people transmog to it then?

its definitely time to make this happen

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leggo blizzard be a captain make it happenin

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Not gonna stop bumping until we get a response

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Keep going !!

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agreeed, keep this going. It’s a must that this happens

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Give this to us Blizz/Activision. Long, Long overdue

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can’t believe they haven’t made this a thing.

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gimmie the loot, gimmie the loot

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Make Rated PVP titles account wide first

go make ur own thread lore, give the enchant to ppl who obtained it as an illusion. much more reasonable ask then lore’s

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Line it up blizz, definitely reasonable.

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Time to start making some good choices blizz/activision and give players what they want!


agreed, get this done.


Need to get this thread to 500 comments maybe even more


Keep this on the front page every day so that we can get a response!


EU has people actively commenting everyday for the past 10+ years and they still can’t reply. It’s so sad we might as well switch to Everquest like Jimmy

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Keep it up, twitter is a good place to get a united voice.

I can understand they would get heat for stating a fix now when there are more important issues with SL etc. But this is the most consistantly active and objective issue on the pvp forums. It deserves (and we deserve) some acknowledgement.

WTB blue post

this would be the easiest fix they have, longest asking one, most reasonable as well.