Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

Bump. I have the enchant on epics and boas and have the 2200 achievement Please give to us

they have to have seen this by now.

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Would love this to be a thing. I have a few of these chants laying around.

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They made Dreadflame account bound… and it looks nice but it is never gonna be as awesome as the Bloody Dancing Steel glow… one can only hope to see these words in the patch notes… “Players who obtained Elite PvP Enchants in Mists of Pandaria will now obtain the Glorious Tyranny illusion.”

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1million% this needs to happen

blizz just likes doing ppl dirty

its an illusion, give it to the ppl that obtained it blizz. Why are u being such sticklers?

no doubt, ppl unlock the illusion and stopped playing. anyone who obtained it should have access to this illusion without a doubt

100% how was this not done already??

instantly bring this into reality in the game

much needed addition to the game.

very reasonable request.

Bump, we deserve to at least have a blue response with how many big threads there have been.

blizz acting like they don’t see this request.

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If it was a raid boss that was bugged there would be action. Pvpers are neglected

They have seen this post many times and just ignore it because they don’t think it’s a big deal. When we as the players who pay for the game and help it run due to our monthly subscription do see it as a big problem! We would of grinded hard for duelist if we knew it would be the only way to get the glorious tyranny illusion. Why did you guys make the wod one the same as the mop one that’s YOUR fault blizzard. Not everyone pvped in wod… So why put a duelist lock on it. Give the Illusion to players who have the enchants: Glorious Tyranny, Spirit of Conquest, and Bloody Dancing Steel

yeah, if someone unlocked it in any way, they should be eligible to use it as an illusion.

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Unlock it for everyone that did so, simple.

exactly what I was going to say

bump this thread, make it happen