Glide is Movement 2.0

I dont know a few classes can get out of it Rogues, and Hunters for one. Then you have anyone playing a class that is a Night Elf due to the racial dropping combat. So add all them to the list. And you tell me is any class getting a bigger advantage out of it? Cause Glide can not get you out of combat. And last I checked that is what we were originally talking about.

I refuse to believe you can’t see that rogues get more value out of being able to drop combat than a warrior.

So I guess a better question is how are we supposed to have a discussion about a racial’s balance when you refuse to even acknowledge the basics.

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I played my Outlaw rogue for most of BFA so yes I understand what you mean by saying oh well you can redo your opener on a rogue. But that one again has nothing to do with Glide. Mage Blink moves you more than Glide will, Worgen Dark Flight will get you over twice the distance, Don’t have a goblin would love to hear how far rocket jump gets you. There are a lot of movement racials in the game. You saying Dracthyr are going to break the game with Glide is just silly. Besides if Blizzard dont want someone gliding a mechanic they can just add a stun to the effect. They have done it in the past. Just like how in some instances they have mobs that see stealth so you cant just shadowmeld safely. There are always a way around a racial ability if Blizzard so sees fit to do it. Just like how they made dwarves stone skin not remove bleeds in Castle and how they didnt do anything about Blood Elves turning Zul fight into a joke for Horde. Blizzard will pick and choose then they want something to be used and when not. One of the only times Worgen ever got an advantage in racials was in the Maw for SL where they were the only race who could mount up till they gave it to everyone at the end of the expasion. Just trust in the system my friend.

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This is a class ability not a racial. Drac Mages will have blink + glide combo.

You had a rogue and it took us 5 back and forth posts to admit certain racials do better with certain classes?

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No because rogues can drop combat anyway. Look I dont know why you refuse to listen to common since but honestly its a video game have some fun with it or find something else to do.

DHs have had Glide for ages, along with two stacks of Fel Rush for Havoc. No one is throwing a fit over that.

Can we please stop trying to neuter this race?

If y’all get Glide deleted or changed… I already know of a ton of people who are just going to up and unsub. Thanks for killing the fun for others, then.

It just never ends, does it? Y’all will never be happy until it’s a one spec game with no racials or fun things. :roll_eyes:


I’m a evoker main…

Give dracthyr regardless of class the ability to use glide.

What is the point of having wings if you can’t use them?


So? They could blink and then jump before they blink again. I would hardly call that game breaking. If you are talking about going further in the air, I should point out that if you blink in the air it sticks you on the ground.

What do you mean only those specs. Have you seen high mythic + runs. Or the fact that shadowmeld also work of boss targeting mechanics.

Or the plethora of other reason pvprs play night elf.

Since it can basically dodge a cc, a cast.

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no they won’t

and if they do, this game really is not for them

better they enjoy the great outdoors, the bracing air

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Wild… Anytime I bring up the fact that Maximum said his whole guild will be going Dracthyr because of the advantage it gives. I get a wall of people saying “That’s only a tiny percent”. But team glide talks about high level play, no one says it’s a small percentage.


I got pulled into this game because of the playable dragon race, and have been looking forward to playing as a warrior dragon for a while now.
If glide gets removed (tail swipe has already been removed which I’m not happy about), that + the lack of transmog will be enough to push me into unsubbing lol.

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If that is the main reason for playing the game, it’s probably not for you. There are plenty of games out there where you can play as a dragon though if that is your main draw.

So, more taking fun things out of the game because the idiot 1% world first people plan on abusing it? That sounds awful.

Esports was a mistake,

Idk about any of this but I know currently on evoker I can ignore my position entirely and not worry about getting knocked around on the 3rd grim Batol boss lol

Something being situationally good is generally not what sensible people consider OP

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Pretty much exactly the point. Situations like this and all the others in PvE that people keep bringing up about evokers having it easier, now the advantage belongs to a race instead of a class.

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it sounds like you were planning to abuse it
and that you’re a bit salty towards people better/more dedicated at this game


That is a reach. I wouldn’t know what to even abuse it for. I mostly just gather and raid with my guild. My favourite activity in the game is the skyriding races, and glide is useless for em. Being able to glide off ledges is fun though, and I have long been an advocate of giving all classes a way to have glide.

As for being jealous? Naw. I am okay with being meh at the game. I do find world first boring, mind you. It just irks me when the greater part of the game is changed for people who play the game so differently than everyone else. Everyone gets punished because the best of the best finds a way to abuse things. It sucks. Create a special section for them, let everyone else have fun.

My main in Evoker, though. It is basically the only character I play. I planned on switching my Mage to Dracthyr, but that is only because Dracthyr is my favourite race. That poor little Mage literally does nothing other than gather (and is the only other character I play). :slight_smile:

Edit: Elaborated a bit more.

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Throwing out the word sensible here seems pointless. But here.

“Something trivializing mechanics for only a select race is generally not what sensible people consider balanced”