Glide is Movement 2.0

Evoker main here and I love the movement glide provides.

I move way faster, can adjust my trajectory mid air, can jump above z-axis areas in arenas and BGs and it makes avoiding raid mechanics WAY easier for me because I am always last to react. I just hit double jump and I am out of a large circle, where on my other classes I have to use a movement CD and don’t have it next time.

When you play an evoker as a main, then log onto an alt the first thing you do is hit space twice and realize you can’t double jump as you are moving around. You feel noticeably slower and locked to the ground. It is an entirely new way to do movement.

With 6 new classes getting glide, I don’t see a scenario where anyone who has it available would willingly not take this huge increase in mobility without a CD.

I think to make this fair this spell should be disabled in instanced content.

Or if you are going to change the core movement of WoW, make it available for all classes.


and while they are at it also disable Shadowmeld for instances or give it to everyone else.

It is quite op and unbalanced that any class that can be Nelf can simply escape CC, see someone pop their CDs and simple meld out of sight until they run out and with most CDs having a 2m refresh time by the time those are up again usually SM is up again too, or see a mage casting poly or warlock a fear and meld and evade the cast that way. If you are low on health you can meld and eat while invisible, or take pets off you, or cause spells to fail when they are in midair torwards you. On classes like rogue its even more OP because it gives them a second Vanish and lets them use stealth only skills like empowered garrot/cheap shot.

Shadowmeld makes every class that Nelf can be a mini Rogue. there is a reason why Nelf is one if not the most used Alliance race for pvp players. Either disable it in instanced content or give it to everyone would be fair.


I’m cool if they remove meld entirely. Or at least nerf the interaction between rogue and meld for the extra stealth.

I think comparing a 2minute cd that may or may not help you dodge 1 spell if you time it correctly to a perma movement enhancement, 40% increase in speed, trajectory adjustment in air, quick acceleration when it starts on no CD is a red herring.

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Extreme doubt.


The fact that glide isn’t even on a GCD makes it 10x as silly.

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People that complain about Glide make it sound like everyone will be zapping around at mach speed. Glide is one of the last things I think of when reacting to mechanics and Hover or Verdant Embrace are way better tools for that than Glide has ever been. Most mechanics that one Glide can get you out of would be fine to escape by simply pressing W as well.


Wasn’t OP calling glide “Z Axis Manipulation” earlier? Glide is not overpowered, it’s balanced and the number of situations where you benefit from it over others is quite small. We’ve had dracthyr for 2 years now, PvP and raids were not broken over their glide. Worgen have their speed racial, kul tirans have their throw racial. Let us have our racials please.


Just admit you don’t know how to use disengage

No you don’t get it, gently gliding out of the mech is too much style compared to just stepping out of it.

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Only DH/Evoker can currently jump onto Dalaran Sewers platform without the stairs (among many other Z axis parts in WoW, just one example) until 11.0.5

Worgen has a cooldown for a 40% speed increase, Glide is a constant 40% speed increase. With… uh oh, try to get too offended… Z axis manipulation.

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Glide is only constant if you’re dropping down from height, which the vast majority of dungeons do not have. There’s no meaningful boss arena with height differences, no important fight, hell not even a ton of mob-full corridors with elevation changes like that. So you’re just sort of sped up crossing… empty spaces, great.

Also any kind of jump is z-axis manipulation; you can’t glide higher from your initial glide.

The whining is on the level of Ion bringing up pet battles as a justification to gut soar for a whole year.


About 50% of the arenas and BG’s have mechanics you can exploit with Z axis manipulation, but even without this fact of Z axis issues. Glide is still movement 2.0.

It’s insane how much people will ignore this power increase because they want to enjoy the advantage.

This is never going to become a thing. It would be cool if you’d stop trying so hard to make it a thing.


Nah, as long as glide changes the core movement of the game, think i’ll continue.

Alright, I can’t stop you. It’s just a little silly, that’s all.


Assuming flat terrain and nothing is obstructing you from gliding. You cannot glide and attack at the same time consistently enough for it to be meaningful. And that’s also assuming you aren’t slowed at all. And this only affects PvP. PvE and PvP should not be balanced around eachother.

And now more classes can if they are dracthyr!

So if I right click on my screen, am I Z axis manipulating? If I press W, am I X axis manipulating? What about the Y axis? This honestly seems like a troll argument.

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Nah, just leave it untouched.


Or they could just not touch it and you could start by not negotiating away drac racials for players who have no power over development.


This is probably how they will nerf it but only after a large portion of the pop swaps to Drac

This is the funniest thing I’ve read all week.

Glide is op. Says the NElf. Lmao.

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