Glide is Movement 2.0

As a player my vote is they balance it. But this won’t my final word on the subject.

What a shame


Good news, it’s already balanced! You can rest easy.

Glide makes Shadowmeld look like Dark Flight

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No it dont.

Shadowmeld has an OP interaction with Rogue/Druids, Glide has OP interactions with every class… and no cooldown.

Log on PTR and try it yourself.


I told you before I played Evoker the entire last expansion I know exactly how it works.

I am not talking about evoker, if you can’t tell from my message.

Maybe in imaginary nonsense world, in the real world shadowmeld is significantly stronger than glide.

Lol 10 char

Evoker has the same Glide as Dracthyr my pointy eared friend.

Is shadowmeld on a warrior the same value as shadowmeld on a rogue?

Yes because its all the same ability. In the case of a rogue yes it is a bit redundant but its still the same racial you get no matter what:


Instant 2 min cooldown

Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect.

So just to be clear your official stance is that these two classes get the same value out of the spell?

It still allows you to drop combat, it still makes you briefly untargetable, it still clears you from focus frames, it still allows you to dodge abilities like stormbolt or stop casts.

The difference is negligible, you’re downplaying the strengths of shadowmeld at a baseline far too much to try and make a point.

Yes both classes can use it to drop out of combat. So it has the same value on both classes. In the case of the rogue its a secondary way to get out of combat but it still will do the same thing reguardless of the class its used on. My druid used to be Night Elf in Vanilla and I used it in PVP all the time to be hidden in a bush as I watched over Stables in AB.

This seems about on par with thinking that Glide is balanced.

Because glide is fine shrug


Because Glide is fine and all you are doing is whining like a little baby right now after quite a few people have said that its fine. You are just sticking your fingers in your ears yelling LALALA I cant hear you!


Tell me, does one class get a bigger advantage of getting out of combat than another?