Glide is Movement 2.0

Then just give everyone a way to glide. Give every class a skill, or add gliders ala GW2. Things are back to being fair then, and we have added fun to the game rather than removing it.

Is this a serious suggestion? It’s gotta be fun for Rogues that one of their only unique skills was watered down with a potion. There’s an opportunity cost for it, since then you can’t use a potion of power. There were gust of air potions, as well, why do we need to extend glide to any classes besides Evoker and DH? Most classes have some comparable skill, but may as well just give them the fun* version that’s basically available on demand.

*not at all OP we swear

so you’re in favor of homogenizing classes?
are you not concerned that it’s a slippery slope?
in fact, it’s already gone too far, everyone has a stun or two, 4-5 CC options, 3+ defensives, etc etc.
next you’ll get a race that has stealth, and everyone gets stealth. a sort of juiced up night elf
high elf - turn invisible. cancelled by attacking and taking damage. cannot be used in combat

what a world that would be

Glide is simply a movement ability. Giving everyone a glider would be a fun little quality of life thing. It wouldn’t make the classes all the same, and it much better than the suggestion of removing it from a race because other races wouldn’t have it.

So yeh, let everyone have a glider. Dracthyr would no longer be seen as overpowered by everyone complaining about it because everyone would be on the same playing field. Just make it another little mount like thing people could collect and customise.

“It works on one boss across 8 dungeons” is not trivializing mechanics


I’m genuinely curious what you think these gamebreaking uses for glide are in PvE.

With Plenty of knockbacks it’s better to just position well and eat the knock back. Even just tapping glide to land is either the same amount of time or slower than just eating the knock. Half the knocks in the game don’t even interrupt you so again, you’re better off just positioning well and not interrupting your cast.

As far as this notion that it allows you to effectively ignore ground targets goes, that’s also just not a significant advantage, if it’s an advantage at all.

I’ve played an absurd amount of priest since legion and void torrent, trust me when I say, I know about ground targets and trying to eek out casts. I can count on one hand the number of times glide would have been the difference between a cast and a cancel with any merit, that couldn’t be also solved by my positioning or better timing.

This doesn’t even take into account the actual numerical benefit doing this would give you. We are probably talking a couple hundred dps, like less than a percent of a percent to “perfectly utilize glide” to glide cast.

The whole idea that glide is some massive game warping ability to have is absurd.


I believe you might’ve been thinking of Hover, which would’ve been correct.

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It is honestly a better solution than 1 race of half the classes having it.

No one creating a new character would in their right mind would not take it.

The new player tutorial even needs to change. “Hold W to move” “Press Space to Jump”, “If dracthyr press space again to boost yourself and double jump”

to be honest i think they will launch it as it is. they gonna get all that cheese from the FOTM rerollers who will go little dragon for them gainz and abuses, and in 2-4 weeks it’s gonna be disabled, or nerfed to something like what monk has right now, that Lighter than Air talent that no one in their right mind takes

Yep agreed, that is exactly what I’ve been saying. It lasts 2 weeks before it gets nerfed.

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