Glide is Movement 2.0

Or they could add a CD to it like all the other racials

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Donā€™t get me wrong. Iā€™m on team glide here. I would rather it remained untouched. Not because i want to ā€œabuse the advantageā€ as some people here asume itā€™s the only reason we would race change and not just because we like the race and the fantasy of playing a dragon its toolkit brings.

I still believe in normal circumstances its not a big deal. But people like to abuse things and make them a big deal until blizzard can no longer ignore it (remember Augmentation release with raids stuffing a couple dps with the buffs of over 15 augmentation evokers to 1 minute kill hc bosses). So there will probably be people that will abuse it to the point blizz will probably intervene. For this i just say that limitations like the ones i mentioned are enough. Iā€™m 100% against the racial getting the Tail Whip treatment and just dissapear from non evokers dergs

Thereā€™s no advantage to abuse. Itā€™s all super hyperbolic. I canā€™t remember any boss that was a 5 minute fight running down hill in a straight line with constant knock backs.

Itā€™s like ā€œhey, I like I knock warriors off of things with explosive trap, and now this makes that harder to doā€.

Which is valid feedback. But, Iā€™d bet good money that neither the mouthy 1500 wannabes who complain about it (and certainly not any actually competitive players) will be race changing to it when it comes out.

The best way to see it changed isnā€™t to make up scenarios and try to make a mountain out of a molehill. Itā€™s to point to the data. Let them put their money where their mouth is. 1/2 the game right now is dwarves and elves. If dragons dethrone them, Iā€™m wrong and Iā€™ll make a public announcement saying as much.

But in the much more likely scenario that Iā€™m not wrong, no one will promise me so much as a DM lol. Because they know the argument is stupid and the entire thing is click bait, hyperbolic nonsense.


Weā€™re providing concrete exampleā€™s of what people are doing with evoker using glide right now, team glide just chooses to ignore them and report my post instead because there is no real counter argument.

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Like I said

So your counter argument is ā€œWait and see because I donā€™t think I am wrongā€

There is no argument. Much like dentist doesnā€™t argue with someone who removes their teeth with string and a door.

Iā€™m telling you youā€™re wrong. Iā€™ve explained it at length. And a few weeks after 11.0.5 comes out, weā€™ll have the proof. Thereā€™s nothing left to be said.

You have yet to counter any of the concrete examples given besides saying ā€œYou are wrong because I am rightā€. Infact I have yet to see any real counter argument from anyone on team glide besides ā€œDonā€™t touch my race fantasyā€

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You misunderstand me. Iā€™ve explained it. Thereā€™s a difference. Much like my cousins flat earth conspiracy threads, Iā€™m here for entertainment value. Iā€™m only here for entertainment value. Iā€™m entertained by your position. Itā€™s obviously and hilariously wrong. Thereā€™s nothing I could say that would dissuade you, since reality itself could not.

You donā€™t argue with that kind of thing. You just observe. For funsies. Iā€™m just waiting for your ā€œdo your researchā€ post with a link you YouTube. lol.

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Every post ā€œI have argued in length about why this is wrongā€

Really where, show me you arguments

ā€œYou are a flat earther and wrong, and I canā€™t dissuade so I donā€™t need to argueā€

Meanwhile in realityā€¦ people are posting why it is busted, with things they do on evoker with glide right now

Do you pledge, right now, to post a public apology when the numbers come back against you? Or will you say itā€™s a conspiracy or make excuses? If you pledge, Iā€™ll lay out the high points of why this is wrong.

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Because their all gnome slayer fury warriors breaking out of roots which glide wonā€™t do anything about.

Please touch grassā€¦

Also feel free to think up an actual reason glide is balanced

If you just keep insulting people your going to lose this. Look glide is no more powerful than Shadowmeld is. Compare the distance you get VS the distance you get when you use something like Worgen Darkflight and youā€™ll see the movement isnā€™t really that much in comparison. What next demanding Worgen canā€™t use Darkflight in combat? Come on now this is a all new level of silly demands for nerfs that arent needed.

I donā€™t need to prove that the earth is round. Everyone else can see that it is.

And, I guessed correctly that you wouldnā€™t be able to make such a pledge. Because even you know that.

Worgen Darkflight is on a three minute cooldown

Glide is on a one second cooldown

Try again


I played an Evoker all last expansion so I know how far you get with Glide little Gnome. Donā€™t even try me.

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Here is my Evoker just incase you want to try and run your mouth on a 20 achevment point account with hardly any posts. Now get on your main if you want to man up and have a real discussion about the differances in movement abilities.

That I imagine is prolly an oversight. Apparently it will kill you on Heroic if you try to do that, and similar mechanics in the past have not allowed you to do that. Wouldnā€™t surprise me if it got fixed so it killed you on other difficulties too.

Do not nerf or remove Glide. That is my final word on the subject as a player.