Glide is Movement 2.0

It is a Dracthyr racial, and it isn’t overpowered.


I love when people compare a no CD racial ability to class movement CD’s… it really screams balance :smiley:

Yesterday it was 30%, now it’s perma 40%. Are you going to be touting 50% tomorrow?

Go play evoker. Seriously, you say you have but you genuinely haven’t. It doesn’t pull the numbers you claim it does, and it’s nowhere near as gamebreaking as you make it out to be.


Show me where I said 30% yesterday?

Don’t get bogged down in the semantic problems they have with people providing a range of movement speeds that Glide may give - they don’t want to address that other passive movement effects are incomparably worse.

Whether it’s 10% or 50% it’s outside of the realm of what’s been provided by other races previously.

-Interrupt CD
-Movement speed effect 2%ish
-Secondary stat boost

These are perfectly reasonable expectations for the average race in WoW. This is what they were going to originally release Dracthyr with - it looks drastically different.

-2 interrupt CDs
-Slow fall
-Momentum stop
-More movement speed than 2% by a significant amount, pretty much unconditionally *except in PvP where you’ll be slowed so they really want you to know that glides useless in PvP and it won’t matter in the least and that’s the only place it may provide a benefit period
-Mastery buff
-Soar with your other OP dragon friends, getting the most racial attention any race has got ever

The context is important. The person I was quoting mentioned he uses Glide to get out of movement mechanics and I just said that there are way better tools for that.

Is Glide good for movement? Indubitably. Is it as strong as some people make it out to be? Definitely not. It’s pretty awesome to deal with knock back/up mechanics though and in PvP it can be easily shut down by a simple slow that makes you question whether it does anything at all to your movement by then.

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Pally or Pet freedom + glide = no one will connect to you as on example. Glide is already the best racial alone. But just like with Shadowmeld(combo with rogues/druids), it is the combos with glide that you can exploit that will make it completely broken. And it seems almost every class has crazy combos with glide

Besides Hunter and maybe Rogue with Cloak of Shadows I don’t see any really egregious combos that warrant this much complaining. Maybe Warlocks with Burning Rush? Does the Glide speed boost even stack with Burning Rush to begin with? You’re already running at or past the speed of Glide’s boost anyway so I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Dracthyr can’t be Paladins and Freedom can be dispelled.

Look where it is under Dracthyr spellbook. Class ability, not race.

Edit: All Dracthyr classes have Glide on the PTR. I am incorrect.

Look at where it’s located in the spellbook. It’s a class ability, not a racial.

Edit: All Dracthyr classes have Glide on the PTR. I am incorrect.

I hate to break it to you, but…

On the PTR all the other Dracthyr classes have Glide.

Oh. lmao ok then. I stand corrected, not even Blizzard goes by their own classification.

I mean, it’s also listed in the spellbook as a Racial, so…I’m not really sure what you’re getting at?

Are you sure you’re not thinking of Hover? Glide is a different thing.

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My racial ability is a 2 minute cooldown that heals me for 2%.

On Ansurek, you can glide right over the line mechanic in P1 :dracthyr_lulmao: a race being able to do that, not just a couple classes, is nuts


That’s crazy, it’s too bad that’s the only mechanic in the entire fight, I guess everybody is going to be dragon now forever!

This is the planned extinction of every race other than dragons! Big blizzard won’t say it out loud but we all know it’s true. Pretty soon you won’t even be able to walk, you will be forced to glide just to move forward!

Just wait, the day is coming! (Pretty sure I nailed the no glide argument with about as much logic and legitimacy as they are currently using)

Yeah, pretty much. Right on the head.

Another concrete use case of the glide racial outperforming others. Examples just keep stacking up, was hoping to see more legit counter arguments on this thread to have a discussion, but it’s mostly just gaslighting… and someone even tried to report the thread before the mods overturned it :dracthyr_lulmao:


Considering the very first thing you do as a non evoker Dracthyr is glide behind Emberthal from your creche i’d say the chances of blizz removing it are Zero. Making it not usable in combat or instanced content at all seem more likely

As soon as they do this to all other racials, sure.

Edit: for disclaimer purposes, this is an absurd statement. Obviously, no racials should actually be disabled in any continent. This is an rpg, not a tournament sport.