Glide is Movement 2.0

It’s not funnier than this…

You know you’ve lost when you’re editing the “quote”

fixed, you still unironically said “Pteradax is a tier above glide”

A 15 minute cooldown to let you fall slower

Except you don’t fall slower. You move forward quite fast.

But you wouldn’t know that, because you’ve been a Night Elf forever because their racials are literally game breaking.

Any conversation about glide needs to be at least 11 years after the conversation about Shadowmeld.

Just to be clear, you still think Pteradax is a tier above glide?

Just to be clear, you’re still racist against fictional anthropomorphic dragons?

Can I take the constant misdirection as a yes?

As long as I can take yours as a concession of defeat.

This is going no where, which is no surprise from someone who unironically thinks pteradax is better than glide

Agreed, someone who thinks “glide” is going to keep them from getting 1600 in arena isn’t worth having a serious discussion with.


Once again, PvE should not be balanced around PvP when a majority of the game is PvE. I don’t care about PvP. I shouldn’t be losing racials & racial fantasy because PvP players are perceiving some racial that isn’t their own as “overpowered”. PvP needs a separate sandbox.

Majority of the people clamoring for dracthyr to be nerfed into the ground are PvP players (who ironically, use their own powerful racials…). I haven’t seen one, if any PvE players asking for the racial removals nearly as hard.


There’s only a few people left who PvP at all, but they are often the loudest, whingiest bunch.

If anything, they should be going the other way with it. Make all movement abilities race based. Make rotational racial abilities.

You’re making outlandish claims like pteradax is a tier ahead of glide. And instead of counter arguing that glide is not OP in this discussion you have resorted to rating shaming and making more outlandish claims

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Yes this guy is worried about the balance of z axis maps which is hilarious because they’re all unbalanced


They never did favor warrior did they

completely understating how powerful shadow meld is.

It’s a damage cooldown for rogues, allows stealthing/prowling for druids/rogues, allows for mounting, allows for drinking, can dodge an attack as well as CC in pvp and allows for non rogue classes to stealth and hide.

Glide is not broken. It’s far from the strongest ability. It is not a 40% movement increase.


Yea the interaction with Shadowmeld and rogue/druid is crazy and really needs to be nerfed no doubt. Outside of those two classes, it is just a 2 minute cd that can maybe help you dodge a single ability when timed right.

As opposed to a perma 40% movement speed increase, knockback/displacement immunity, etc… no cooldown.

Neither of these things are true, bro.


Glide is an Evoker skill, not a Dracthyr racial. No other class is getting it. Why is this even a post?

Edit: All Dracthyr classes have Glide on the PTR. I am incorrect.

Oh man do I wish that was true