Gladiator Mounts should be in the Twitch drop

you have always been able to buy feldrakes in the AH

up until like bfa they were anywhere from 200k to 1m, then they shot up when streamers started getting juiced and buying all the supplies

ironically now streamers are the ones that are gonna benefit from them going in a drop

but even recently theyve been for sale for gold cap or less

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the hell would i buy that trash for lmao

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He’s waiting for it to be on a Twitch drop.

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Yeah, 15 marks of honor seems fair for an old gladiator mount.


It’s not the black battletank or the spectral tiger. Stop whining.

Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the next 12 month reward, chances are you’d move the goalpost once that happens too.

I’ll just ride them because I don’t care about some moron that spent 3k on a wow mount crying about it.

Battletank will never happen.

Those could happen eventually. :dracthyr_love_animated: I hope we’re eventually able to farm mounts by just watching Twitch instead of playing the game, that’d be super poggerinos.

I don’t understand this meme. Actual players just got theirs for 50-100k back in mop-wod.

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Sounds good to me. c:

I support this notion.
Too few people have those mounts and there’s no need to keep it gatekept from players.

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Sure why not, also make the glad armors obtainable through Twitch Prime.

But seriously, that glad armors are unobtainable is ridiculous

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What they should do is allow players who already have the Feldrake to choose a mount that they don’t currently have. But eh, that’s the difference between having character and being a sell-out.

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i agree, but only start this policy after i get mine…i have a list of mounts i actually do need for DF

Sorry pal but there’s a big difference between limited time things that you have to actually earn before they are gone forever like Blizzard stated with the OG mage tower, Gladiator seasons etc…and a literal mount you just pay money for a code.

You didn’t do anything special to earn it apart from swiping a credit card or like most people bought their TCG mounts like the Drake, Swift Spectral and Rooster when they were like 25k on the AH at the end of MoP and beginning of WoD when gold sellers were mass duping them and blizzard didn’t remove anything that was sold on the AH from players inventories.

People also swipe hard for Glad mounts.


Still effort and time have to be put in even by the booster, stupid but STILL harder than just hitting buy now on an auction for a code or buying it duped on the AH.

I still don’t care for the idea that only PVP mounts get to have armor.

Islands were going to drop an armored cloud serpent, but idiots whined and got it removed.

I shouldn’t have to be not only good, but one of the best pvpers in the entire world to put armor on my stupid dragon.

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How many people would actually be mad about this. A lot (I’d say a majority) of players who got glad mounts 10-15 years ago aren’t playing anymore

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TCG mount Twitch drop is an epic play. It will definitely get some hype going for them ad clicks. If there is any price movement on the transferrable ones, that will be fun too. Let some people buy in on the investment version. The Twitch BoA one will be available for a week or two. It will only be a hiccup in the value of the TCG mount token. Also, why everyone always post their salty hot takes from a char they don’t play?

i knew one of the glads on my server in bc, he sold 20+ s3 glad pilots that i know of for 300$ each iirc.

not new.

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