Have you ever once asked for help on the forums?
Youve made hundreds of posts complaining about mmr and the system, but i havent seen you once post a video of your gameplay asking for tips.
I don’t think that ALL of the QQ is unwarranted; the system is incredibly outdated. However, the vast majority of problems with LFG are human ones, not system ones as you’ve described.
I’ve experienced the same lfg issues that eveyone has, where someone joins, doesn’t talk, and leaves after 2 losses. Sometimes we win 6 games in a row and someone lobs you to play with their irl friend. Sometimes the healer doesn’t press buttons and tries to greed a trinket, then flames the team and alt+f4s.
I think 95% of those situations are avoidable by getting in voice.
I think the other 5% are ameliorated by just being friendly. Whenever I join a group or voice, I say something to the effect of, “howdy! I’m the [X class] and I’m here to push buttons!”
I’ll ask people how things are going or if there’s anything fun or exciting or new in their lives.
I’ll talk about a general strat before a game like, “ooh dh/dk. They’re probably gonna run at me. Ill try to run away and drag their healer out and kill the DK. If you can box out and cc the healer that’d be awesome!”
When we win, I’ll say stuff like, “awesome kick on the healer there”. When we lose I’ll say stuff like, “hey! Try to watch fear drs on cyclone. I know you were trying to help, but when we 1/4th dr fear for 1s then we cant do any peels for 20s and that’s when we fall behind”.
That cumulative 30s of typing before, during, and in between/after games that’s delivered in a friendly way and is legitimately helpful almost always encourages people to improve and stay in groups.
Oh it’s dead alright. I’ve spent plenty of time looking for people who are 2300+ while being 2300+ and I just lose CR inviting people with 100+ cr less because I for whatever reason think I can carry. But I can’t carry against current 2400 teams. Especially since 1 in 5 of them are a booster team.
Was it a fire mage named jinzo? I had a similar experience the other day. He went 1-5 and I went 5-1 and we lost the first round together and he flamed me blaming my positioning when the rdruid ran in to try and bash the pally, got hoj, trinketed and got blinded, then tried to cast a clone afterwards and got CS; effectively ccing himself for 15s.
He spent every game and 10 minutes after the lobby rage whispering about how he was getting griefed every game and that everyone was wintrading.
Please stay on topic and don’t derail. Especially if you’re calling someone out.
Agreed. Respond to any of the other on-topic posts I made instead of deliberately cherry-picking an antagonistic response.
I asked you nicely. Please respect my wishes.
I think that a LOT of people would respect you, your opinions, and your wishes if you did the same and apologized for your inappropriate behaviors.
Have you considered that your social interactions may also be negatively impacting your glad climb?
People tell you glad is free so you grab people in lfg and give the boosting community an easier time rotting their precious game mode.
Three’s is actually so terrible. Can’t wait for solo shuffle to become the centerpiece of WoW arena.
Yeah idk. I’ve tried. I got to 2360 and it’s just a waiting game for the right people. I’ll probably try a bit longer, but it’s so pointless. I can just queue shuffle, wait 10-30mins, and my ability to climb replies solely on me, which feels like this is how ranked gameplay should be. Whereas for 3s, I have to wait until 9PM to queue with the btags I made and it’s not even certain that they’re logging in or feel like playing.
Like the 3s people can have their bracket and that’s fine, but gatekeeping the best reward behind it is silly with the way things really are. I mean, can you imagine League of Legends offering the best rewards in their 3s equivalent bracket and not solo queue? It’s honestly crazy.
You have to try to find an assa rogue and a pres. You win so many games before the gates even open, yet another amazing attribute of 3v3 arena.
Yeah, unfortunately true. Assa dev is my best option. It’s easy mode, but feels really cheesy. Reminds me why I hate 3s.
Playing the most cheese/free thing you can is the only way to play 3s. Everything else is simply not worth it. Why bash your head in when there are people rerolling assa and getting 300 rating higher than their mains?
Work smarter not harder.
I’m not denying that’s true. I’ve played a lot of different comps and it’s by far easiest with an assa if he garrote silences everything and stuns the healer so I can sleep off.
Came to the conclusion yesterday that I’m only queueing with assa now.
I mean we already rolled off our main what’s only playing with assa at this point
Unfortunately, dev was my first lvl 70 this xpac. Didn’t level my shaman until a bit later :/.
But finding queues on my enh is much harder. Why queue turbo when warriors can queue ret/war and healers can queue splay?
I’m a pres but I don’t feel like being put through the ringer by teammates
There’s nothing wrong with taking the easy way out if Enhancement isn’t clicking.
It’s almost like you ignored everything I said. That’s okay tho, I know you’re a troll.
I’m a Vulpera, and fotm rerolling is fine.
Devastation is probably super relaxing after trying to play Enhancement.