This is true for a btag group. This is not true for lfg.
Hmmm. I suppose to a degree.
Like, a 55% winrate in a vacuum doesn’t really mean anything. You can have a 51% wr at 2905 or a 59% winrate to 2092. Mix in lower mmr teammates and you’ll win some games for free and not climb, inversely playing with higher and losing a lot tanks the winrate even if you climb.
Yup, and lfg is literally just randomly guessing what mmr your going to be queing with a range of about 100mmr +/- from cr.
I don’t know that j disagree that teams working with the same set of players as a team can hit glad .
I 100% disagree that anyone can just slam lfg and get glad.
I don’t think anyone thinks LFG is in a good spot.
I think somebody I know just lfg’d 2200 to 2600 in like two sessions.
Lots of prior exp, mind you.
It’s always “someone they know” who has 2 fingers or is partially blind or got glad with their hands tied behind their back.
Bro does not que lfg if he thinks it’s fine. I played with someone who didn’t care just wanted to play. We picked up healers 100 to 200cr below us to get ques, we were net even.
We went through 7 healers. 2 druids did 0 damage over the course of 3 games and flamed us before quitting. And we were climbing…
Yeah, let me rephrase. You can’t spam lfg to reach your all time high. At r1 that might not be true, since it’s such a small player pool.
I don’t know about this either, but I guess it’d probably involve a somewhat silly comp esp if no comms.
That is exactly what LFG is. LFG is waiting hours upon hours for the right person or taking one of the 10 applicants that are 100-400 CR lower.
LFG is no voice and usually off meta . If your on discord your basically not lfg anymore.
That is such a bad take. Make friends. Play with friends.
You are basing LFG being around an immediate dopamine effect of “rewards now”.
If you lose move past it and grow as a team/friends or just stop complaining. No one just picks somehting up and perfects it instantly lmao
Yeah, so, my lfg experience in recent seasons was grabbing somebody with less exp and getting as far with them as we could, which in some cases was pretty far
I have 200 people from LFG on my friends list. 8 actively play, most are lfg pushers because it’s easier then 3s
So you have friends yet you don’t consistently queue with the friends and learn the game with them playing the same comp and figuring out what to do in situations from the ground up?
Every complaint about LFG is just a complaint about how you want your CR to immediately boost 400+ instantly from finding the “right people” when sometimes you have to take the hit to your rating to find 2 people that you can learn how to playwith and enjoy playing with.
I went through dozens of DKs & pallies before I meta tyga and gaz and they’re the only 2 I’ve truely succeeded with as WWDK comparatively ot the rest. Took me THOUSANDS of games to find them and get there. What is the excuse for you guys to not do the same?
Holy crap my brain is comfumbled
This might be the greatest troll to ever grace these forums
Well, they quit. Most won’t hop on discord, and a weaey of doing so. With the rbg community I can’t blame them.
You honestly just sound out of touch. What your talking about is just not the reality of queing lfg in df. Like in shadowlands it wasn’t like this. SS straight up slaughtered LFG in DF.
People stop when they don’t see potential
If you do a really poor job of analyzing losses you’ll always get left behind
id say 90?% anecdotally ofc of the lfg players I play with add me and ask me to play regularly
The best thing you can do after a loss is look at why you lost and unpack things YOU could have done better
People really acknowledge that and will typically be inspired to reflect on things they could have done as well
If you just lose and say nothing and nobody really has a solid understanding of what’s happening then yeah lmao . . :
I LFG on alts all the time this expac and I’ve had 0 issue just finding some casual duelist players to chill with that are just fun to hang around with playing on my alts. I don’t need the dopamine hit of my alts immediately getting rating if I’m just chilling with fun players to play around.
It sounds to me like you simply don’t have friends that you want to spend the time with, or them not wanting to spend time with you. You do not have people that have like-minded goals and therefore complain about it when the reality comes down to other factors that aren’t LFG or the game.
I feel like all of this lfg qq is a lot of cope because someone can’t accept that they’re either not fun to queue with or fail to recognize they’re not playing well
Everyone will get their fair share of people they don’t mesh with but I’ve met a ton of cool people that are also quite good in the last week alone
Had a healer the other day say his lock would jump off a bridge for him because everytime this ret horsed at him to hoj rep around los I would port kick it