Glad is not free this season

There’s not really an abundance of them.

to be fair I have 6 devs so theres plenty of devs around :^)

Dev is hardly off-meta. Double evoker/x has to be one of the strongest ladder comps (especially + assa) because you just farm or have an insanely good chance into every non-purge comp.

If you’re a dev and see an assa in lfg you should spam that join group button. Then you find a pres which is grossly overtuned and farm the ladder.

Dev/hunter is stronger then Cupid.

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dev dk and dev lock are better than wwls and wwdk too

the dragons are taking our jobs

we need to rise up against them


Can’t connect they’re immune to slows :^)

listen you just need to get through the two 12 second walls that give aura mastery and also 2 charges of freedom baked in with sprint baked in with spiritwalkers and also 3 stacks of complete cc immunity and also rescue and also a couple verdant embraces and also deep breath and after that you can kill them easy

Yes all before they kill you with whatever offensive CDs while taking high sustained damage from a literal one button rotation.

they press deep breath and eternity surge too sometimes give them credit for that


Devs have slowly merged into their lock phase. Where you can’t leave them alone because they will melt you but if you hit them you’re running into a brick wall.

Devs have really ruined my childhood interest in lizards. I was supposed to take my family to Clyde Peeling’s Reptiland. But I’m very afraid that it will trigger some emotional outburst after my brain recalls facing double dev/pres in solo shuffle and they were all spitting Wild Berry Gogurt in my face as I screamed in agony.

You forgot renewing blaze (8s unnerfed 100% heal temporal shield on a 1 minute cd)

tbh ive been on the devoker is op train since like s2


I see Cupid all the time. The only time I’ve ever seen Hunter/Dev is when I played it with Swole, Faced you playing it, Or played against Swole playing it. Soooooo

Popularity does not directly equal strength, there isn’t really a debate here especially when talking about surv.


There’s some overlap but seeing a spec or comp frequently doesn’t nesscearily mean that it’s good, even if it sort of sometimes aligns.

Disc can be borderline trolling and losing every single round of shuffle into real healers and it’ll still be one of the more popular specs because… I don’t know, actually. :dracthyr_a1:


read your own post history. ur obsessed with him.

I know. Honestly it’s a little sad.


I actually tried dev/demo with a good lock yesterday and that didn’t feel bad. Dev/hunter is also good; I was playing with that chrislong guy a couple days ago and he was playing MM. That also didn’t feel bad.

I mean, I just press disintegrate and try to sleep off other CC and that wins games by itself.

Gonna clarify this, I’m not saying surv is bad. I’m saying surv cupid is not good, unless a prez is healing it (wish I had one lol).