Glad is not free this season

Your lack of success isn’t because of politics. It’s because you lack the knowledge required to succeed.

In order to succeed with lfg you need to be a LEADER. You need to know what to do to win and you need to be confident about it.

Just last week you were asking for how to get value out of opress roar which shows you don’t know what to do. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, that’s what the forums are for. But you can’t expect to play shuffle an entire season on a 1 button pve spec that auto wins if it lives to the second dragon rage, make no connections during the season and then come back last week and get glad no voicing lfg. In order to climb through lfg you need to know all your win conditions and be confident about them.

Since shadowlands I have joined dozens of lfg groups and lead them to their first glad by just getting them in voice and telling them what to do and how to play but you gotta do it in a way that’s not condescending like before our first game I’ll say “ hey if I tell us to do stuff different I’m not flaming you guys I’m just really competitive and want us to play our absolute best” .

You don’t need a network of friends to succeed in 3s you only need 1 friend that has the same goal as you. Literally just 1. My fury warr friend just came back to the game and we got glad within 2 weeks of his return with almost all the wins coming from lfg. We would join lfg and find a boomy or ret or sp and would win most of our games with only me and him in voice.

When you have one friend that is down to play with you and the two of you just lfg a third it’s way easier.


Anyways, I’m not dealing with LFG. That thing is a mess and it’s not worth doing. What an archaic way to play the game.

I’m moving on.

the end of an era



kinda crazy that you just give up because you dont get the immediate CR injection you want when we’ve literally offered to help you lmao

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Is it tho?

You seem to be handicapping yourself not taking these offers when the vast majority of successful people in any aspect of life have had a more experienced mentor help them out at some point.

wheres my more experienced mentor helping me out


did u just disagree with yourself why are there 2 of u :sob:

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Evil clone.

I’ve been trying to q with you since wod and noth but brick wall :sob:


ok bet

when q

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This is absolutely true. I got his shaman in a lobby the other day and I went 5-1 and he went 1-5. He spent 3 full rounds and the postgame flaming me in chat and in whispers. Both other dps and the healer actually messaged me about it saying that they had had lobbies with him before and that he was insanely toxic.

He’s crafted such a negative persona and doubled down on it SO hard that people who he could easily group and get glad with aren’t interested in doing so because his first reaction is to get angry and blame instead of just let things go and apologize.

The wild thing is, if hes 27-2800 consistently in shuffle on his dragon, he’s REGULARLY playing with/against other gladiators and could totally get it in a season this inflated if he just played nice.

This isn’t a uniquely swole problem, but everyone complains about others raging, leaving, and not communicating, but in my experience they arent doing anything to help the situations themselves either.


Which healer?

The disc priest who didn’t swap me the round I died :frowning:

The rshaman actually didn’t say anything the entire 6 rounds, which I thought was weird o.O

Why would the priest or the dps talk about me?

Because you flamed me in say chat and they talked about it??

I didn’t type in /s other than when the shaman was on our team.

I don’t believe you, or they wouldnt have said anything.

What happened in less than a day that made you say:

Just four hours later??

Why would you self-handicap like this??

You are consistently 27-2800 on dragon in shuffle and have played more games than most people play in a lifetime. You can ABSOLUTELY get gladiator, just find some people, communicate, and be nice.