Giving out hardmode loot?

talk about ego of you not wanting other people getting loot from dungeons, loot that is irrelevant at this point, TOGC trinkets are still bis.

I can’t believe how many people get right worked up over a game, at the end of the day it comes down to the fact if you had fun!!!

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Should read my above responses. Luck means nothing. Its rng. And has nothing to do with “ego”. Your obv missing the point. You could get something week 1 5 or 10. As an example i didnt see a single torch from naxx till almost last week of the phase. It is what it is. Just because youve ran something X amount of times doesnt mean you are entitled to the peice your after.

Im not worked up at all. Just enjoy conversation/debating open topics

your making a big deal because you ran something x amount of time and didn’t get what you want and now it is easy to get in half the time

You obv havnt read any of this post. Show me where i complained about something not dropping for me. And talking about “it being easier” is the topic of the thread so what else should be discussed here

Something is wrong with most of yall mentally.

You do realize that you can just not do the H++ dungeons right? Just stay the fook out of them lol. You will never know who got what from 10m HM or H++ anyways. What someone else does has zero impact on your gameplay.


For real some of these people have insane mental issues. It’s almost like they don’t get real accomplishment in their real life, and this is the only resemblance of accomplishment they get.

So when someone comes along “threatening” their accomplishments validity by making something they wasted hours and hours on easier to get, EVEN SLIGHTLY easier, they lose their minds.

Some of these people need serious help, or to just quit the game. Quitting would help them realize there are other people in the world. I’d also like to mention that we have no idea if this really is easier or not, these dungeons could be much more tedious or hard than we expect.


Try again LOL

Why do you think vanilla was so popular

Your accomplishments aren’t wiped away the second the next tier comes out

That is retail garbage

Every new season EVERYTHING resets

Who has the time to put that much into a character season after season

You are just a hamster wheel lover


PS you can go test the dungeons they are easier

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This has been proven wrong many times. This is a multiplayer game if you make dungeons drop better loot than raids then people will do dungeons, you’re just moving people from one content to another. How the game is designed and how other people play the game will affect how you play the game, this isn’t a single player game. Moving people from raids to dungeons will make it harder to form raid groups.

When you start attacking people mentality over loot on the forums maybe it’s time to take a break. If you don’t want to discuss this in good faith you’re free to leave.

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Exhibit A.


I can talk about whatever I want to in the forums as long as I’m not breaking TOS.
You can either live with that or you can move on as well, watching classic Andies lose it over QOL changes is insanely funny to me.


The fact that you call it a QOL change is hilarious.

Yeah you have nothing of value to add on this topic thanks for confirming :wink:

Who cares if 10m ulduar loot + Hm loot can be earned from dungeons?

Honestly they should have followed through with how they handled naxx and convert 25m loot to 10m ulduar as well.

You might want to look up what gatekeeping actually means. It is literally impossible to gatekeep anyone in this game. You aren’t entitled to a spot in someone’s private group, and them declining you is categorically not gatekeeping.

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That would have be the bare minimum, but even then 10m hm loot is also higher than 25m Ulduar loot because they buffed hm loot. So they kinda created more problems.

what do you think toc was lol

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You make me laugh, well people like you. It doesn’t matter what the actual definition of gatekeeping is, the fact of the matter is that keeping people out of groups because of inflated gear requirements is still…guess what…GATEKEEPING.

Look I would love to argue with you over irrelevant topics, but you can’t seem to use common sense OR logic when you argue a point, so it really doesn’t matter.

My point again stands, RDF solves more problems than it causes. Man, I wish Blizzard would listen to me and analyze what I say as much as you do.

*Edit: :nerd_face: *

reallllly sad this is is a thing. coming from a guy who has focus’d on clearing hardmodes in 10 man week in and week out.

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