Giving out hardmode loot?

Ulduar in general is not hard. Does that mean lets add a 252 vendor as well?

yeah, why not. I would not mind. I still only have algalon tank pants on my secondary paladin, and not on my main one. I would not mind buying them on a vendor once next phase hits.

I would not even care if others could buy them that never cleared the raid, my ego is not fragile and i dont give a flying flick about what others do.

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This pretty much confirms that next tier we’ll be able to get trinkets like Deaths Verdict just running a world tour of dungeons.

Its has nothing to do with ego. Whats the point of raiding then if you could just wait till the end and buy everything instead? The new heroics will be a joke just like the others are. Sounds more like you need to be playing on a private server with full vendors that way you could just have everyrhing you want and not actually play the game to get it. Rng is a big part of the game. Always has been. Until classic when the mentality that everyone should have everyrhing or blizzard should step in and make sure you do.

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Aint that nice ? I mean having bad luck with RNG then is unproblematic after the content is not current anymore. What a great design choice.

Or should trinkets not be allowed if not gained via RNG in a raid ? If yes, then please remove Darkmoon Card Greatness from the game, since its a BIS trinket untill ICC for some.

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Exactly. Its stupid.

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Thays a very poor example

You calling it a poor example does not make it one.
Its a perfectly fitting example, its a bis trinket that is available to everyone and their mothers.
And i dont see the problem with that.
And i also cant see the problem when people aquire gear of the PREVIOUS content in an easyer way, especially given that due to compositions of raids and dropchance on items its highly likely to miss items just based on RNG, and not on skill or progression speed.

Using a trinket that requires no rng to obtain is indeed a poor example in a dicusion of rng raid loot. Rng should always be just that. It doesnt matter if its old gear. You either get it drop or you dont. Not everyone is meant to have everything. And that includes myself

Blizz should make it so you have to respond with the character you have the most played time on per game mode.

Level 11 paladins sure as hell ain’t killed alg

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Has Show of Faith, that we have not seen drop yet in my raid with 50% more kills of the boss than you
Has Nebula Band, that we´ve had exactly 1 drop in our 10 man guild raids (atleast 2 per ID with alga down from week 2 till now each week)
Has Valanyr as a Disc priest, which i assume is the result of intense GDKP investments, which is somewhat contradictory to praising the RNG.

Actually, the way loot in wow functions, everyone is meant to have everything, its just a matter of time and chance. And how much time and chance it takes is not a constant, and never has been.

Im not even a fan of having too easy access to gear when it comes to personal preference, even tho i wont mind it if it is the case.
But im even less a fan of bad rng cases where some people or whole raids just get griefed by bad luck, and having a system that takes away some of that bad luck after the tier is already over, you failed to convince me why this is something bad.

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What i have and dont have is based off exactlt my point. Rng. Just like our grp has seen 20 million flares, but our melee has not seen a single 2hander off of gen vez. Its the luck of the roll. It is what it is

And no, i did not gdkp for val lol. Since your looking at my logs you would see i only run in guild and we are not a gdkp group

Ay, real talk. Some dad guilds are gonna have HM loot from alg. Does it hurt your experience if they do?


First of all, props to your guild for rewarding someone with valanyr based on the player, and not by the popular meta. I can see you are a pure disc priest with zero healpriest/shadowpriest logs, its rare to see someone getting a valanyr in that case (i assume that you did not just have insane droprates and this is your 4th valanyr or something like that). And i dont mean this in a sarcastic way, i really mean it, i like groups that play that way.

Fun fact: its the same in my guildraid, we´ve had 7 flares so far if i remember correctly, and not a single Voldrethar (and we have 2-3 dps warriors in our raid, all of them being frustrated about that :smiley: )

And yes, you are right, its the luck of the roll. I dont disagree with that at all.

But i dont understand why it would be a problem to give people an alternative option to get the loot after the content is over, because… the content is over.
It would not even have that much influence in most cases, our best performing warrior would raise his best performance average from 97 to… i dunno 98 maybe, and be happy about it, but we hardly would recognize it during “progress” in Totgc (after ptr, i´d have to say outside of the discipline to not die to stupid stuff and scuff a 50 tries left run, theres no difficulty in there at all)

Giving people this alternative option does not take away any of my fun, and if the lootgods bless me, maybe this ID i will finally get FL bracers and Alga pants, and then im full bis geared on my mainchar. And i would still not care that some people get good gear with low effort, because why would i care about that?

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I have a saturday raid with the pinaccle of dad guilds from time to time.
This group has finally downed thorim hardmode last ID, thats the progress so far.
If they get loot during next phase, i would be happy for them, because i know that it would be really making them happy, and for many it would be probably a challenge and huge time invest to even farm enough hc++ dungeons to get it.

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I appreciate the comment as my group has never followed the meta by any means.

And any of my comments are just that, comments of my own opinion amd arent meant to come off being an a** or comeing off as “gatekeeping” as some people like to put it.

What it boils down to to me is HM loot should be left HM loot. Once there is no longer that barrier to be obtained it undermines the point of it regardless if it current tier or not

Do people forget what happened in phase 2? It was just a few months ago. 10m loot gets shoved into Titan Rune difficulty and then 10m drops 25m loot. So there would be no 10m HM loot anymore even if you did 10m HM since it would give the 25m HM loot.

This is a consequence of Titan Rune difficulty dungeons. This was going to happen the question was how are they going to handle the HM loot, and this was the answer.

Maybe people shouldnt have been content with Titan Rune difficulty and just had badge farms and RDF. None of this would have happened.

And this is true. I myself was not on board with it but am i solely one opinion that means nothing in the bigger picture.

why do you think that?

where is your sense of accomplishment when you kill thorin the easiest hard mode boss 1 time and still get the bis trinket?

we are talking about luck in here, I seen multiple DK trying to get caress and still no luck. why loot is hidden behind luck rather than amount of time killing a boss. at this point at loot that isn’t on TOGC loot table is irrelevant. Having some item out of luck doesn’t make you better than the other people. You should be running in full BIS if you kill the bosses more than 10 times.

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