Giving out hardmode loot?

Kinda feel I’m repeating myself. Doing raid for raiding loot? seems fair.

Getting 10 people together

Overcoming adversity

Killing algalon

Just to have blizzard slap all of you in the face and put your loot on a vendor…

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How else were they going to incentivize anyone to run H++?

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Yup it’s a garbage addition to wotlk in order to farm monthly active user statistics

Calling out disturbing behavior isnt attacking. Its just telling the truth. You DO have mental issues when youre more worried about what something else will get / do more than your own enjoyment in something.

Its a mental dissorder known as Narcissistic personality disorder lol. Its a real thing.

Ok doctor

Diagnosing people you don’t agree with on the wow forums

What do we call impersonating a medical professional on the internet?

10 man hardmodes are really babby’s first hardmodes, i’m not too concerned if the items are available for grinding 10 hours of heroics, most of those items are available to the player base right now in a 1:30 uld run anyhow

I’m more worried about having to dungeons on my alts because less people will do raids. I’m worried that pushing even more dungeons content will just cannibalise raid content.

I’m worried that yes the time I spent in this game isn’t worth it if you can easily replace and catchup too fast. Creating seasons like retail is boring if you care about your own characters progression.

You think using a strawman on people and trying to put them in one box and then calling them mentally ill is something logic and maybe even funny, I call that something sick and twisted. It’s an accumulation of fallacies only done to attack a point of view that is legitimate even if you strongly disagree with it.

I’ve only heard 2 reasons why hard mode loot should drop from dungeons

-First, the opportunist. Bad luck protection coming is a good thing. But this doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be coming from raids.

-Second, the lost cause. Players that want raid loot from not doing raid content. Which, I don’t think we need to explain why this doesn’t make any sense.

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Ya’ll going to be real surprised when you find out you can buy ulduar 25 man tier pieces with badges from dungeons currently.

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My turn to play doctor

Everyone in this thread has a sickness

The sickness has 2 symptoms

  1. First you call everyone dumb

  2. You make a really dumb point and act like it’s a Sherlock Holmes level revelation (condescendingly)

I honestly am impressed with how little actual thinking is being done

This isn’t your first day here my dude, if you’re just now being struck by this then I have a river in Egypt to sell you.

tbh, I don’t see us ever getting RDF for titan rune dungeons, just like how mythic (and mythic+) never got RDF. But getting it for H0’s at least would help out fresh 80s a bit.


why should I care that people get loot from the previous tier?


“oh no! now instead of me plus 800 other people with [ulduar hm item] there will be more people with the same pixels as me! time to be upset about it!”

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Lol you guys come on

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Hey man, At least due to the brain damage I don’t have hypothetical players buying loot from a badge vendor living rent free in my head and causing me to lose sleep.

Essence goes brrrrrr


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