Giving out hardmode loot?

The funny thing about that argument is you can easily reverse it. Why do you care if people have better loot without this system? Just let people have their loot.


They have no clue what they’re actually saying just another npc on the forums

tbh I’d rather see RDF get added vs more “M+” in “wotlk classic” (which never had the M+ system, or anything like it, to begin with). At least RDF in the long run, when considering server population sustainability, was (/probably would be now) better for the game.

5?? Lmao no way. At the most it will be is 3. I’m guessing 1 or 2.

This system is fine if they bring the ilvl loot the vendor sells back down to what it was originally

Some of these people I think are holding their spots by gear. Noting I am not saying they are bad players (a preface before some take as an “attack” lol).

I am just saying that dude who wants their spot could actually be of equal skill. Both players could be good. One is edging points off of gear, however.

Their competition for the slot is right behind them on points/parse/etc. And they like raid logging.

And that player who wants that spot…doesn’t raid log. Also doesn’t like the fact they are 4th on the list of LC. They are hungry for the spot and will play 7 days if need be. they will fix this not waiting for 4 people to get LC given gear.

Which is funny, one of the bene’s of this maybe even blizzard had in mind was offset gdkp. Maybe players will dungeon for that upgrade to get the gear to now parse better vice gdkp bid for it.

So even when bizzard tries to reduce gdkp need in the game, intentionally or accidentally, some don’t like it.

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I’m not sure how your server is, but people want like 5k GS for H+. Tank and spank. It’s something that was implemented to attempt to help players with gearing, but imo putting RDF in before H+ probably would have helped sustain the server pops (imo an issue for some guilds not clearing, more on that inc) a lot better than “hey here’s a bone that players will gatekeep with more GS requirements! :D”

I think the problem with people not being able to raid comes down to something that, surprisingly, isn’t GDKPs. It’s the roster boss. People not being able to raid with full rosters because people are quitting. If a tank quits? Better have a back up. Both tanks quit? Yer done. Two of my guilds had the issue, and fingers crossed it doesn’t happen with my new/third. Blizz should have been putting out polls to find out what players wanted before putting in stuff that no one asked for.


Or you could not be bad and get the loot the way it was intended? I mean with your logic we should just have free loot vendors in dal like they do on the PTR. Why even raid?


The funny thing about that is I actually don’t care how people get loot, but what I care about is people gatekeeping how other people play the game. Just because you’ve done 50 10m runs doesn’t mean everyone wants to do that.

The crazy thing about it is, if your guild wants to run 10 HMs YOU STILL CAN!

Gatekeeping other people’s gameplay because you feel invalidated makes you look like a weirdo.

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Yikes, someone didn’t agree with you MUST mean they are NPCs! There’s absolutely 0 other explanations to why someone has an opinion that differs from yours. Run your 10 mans, no one cares how YOU SPECIFICALLY get loot.

On a different note, I agree with adding RDF because it ends gear based gatekeeping. If I could run H, H+, or H++ through RDF I absolutely would enjoy the game so much more. Opens the door for alts, alt gearing, catch up gear, content that’s not raid logging, meeting new people (the point of an mmo) and it would stop the bleeding of players jumping ship from this game every phase.

QOL is a good thing, I don’t see why people are so against a game respecting your time and money.

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No one is stopping you from clearing the content other than yourself. I know some people like to blame other people but really there’s no gate stopping you from clearing the content other than the ones people make themselves. Lack of time, lack of wanting to find group , lack of interest, etc.

The crazy thing is that content will still be there for you to do it. And that’s again your choice to not run it.

If you’re always waiting for handouts you will always be at the mercy of other people decisions.

People that push content even if they add 10m hm loot to that vendor will keep being ahead so that point isn’t even in question. And those people will keep asking for requirements because they don’t want to waste their time on people that will slow them down as you aren’t entitled to their time.

pretending ulduar is difficult isnt a good reason to be against this change.

i think it’ll be great to combat raid logging and keep people more engaged.

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my rogue NEEDS 100% ARP to kill lvl 10s or ill quit. frfr

How does it combat raid logging exactly when we are trading raiding for the loot to running 5 man?

people will do dungeons on top of raiding now. alts will become a plausible option that people may have been avoiding due to reason this will remedy. pvp will become more accessible with decent weapons not being tied completely to rng and a botched ladder.

3 solid reasons right there.

Nerfed raids will open the flood gates allow for the entire population to clear Algalon, more loot from ms/os as these players have no interest swiping

No ones going to run 10m when you can farm dungeons and focus grind for the loot. People will grind the dungeons till they get whats needed then the dungeons will die along with 10m

do you run 10m now? i dont.

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Is there a real difference wether i farm ulduar 10man hm a little more after toc releases to finally get a dagger for my rogue, or farm some 5man hc++++² dungeons for the dagger ?
If anything farming the Hc+²³ is more time consuming, and potentially harder if they somehow missbalance something. Uldu 10 hc is a joke anyway, and its not skill that prevents people from having their 10man bis items like a mjolnir, its RNG. If you praise the RNG and dont want people to have bad luck protection mechanism to profit from, that is absolutely a valid point of view, but then dont be hypocritical about it.

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I do actually